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Changing Your Stripes
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Need to Program Your Brain to Live a Happier Life? Burning Question:
What Brain will You Use to Program Your Brain? Your Lame Brain?

New Age Philosophy: No Satan, No Sin, No Need for a Savior
The Wolf of Moral Relativism ... Hiding In Sheep's Clothing

Divine Gift: the Secret to Life is Everyone's Possession
Principles of Emotional Healing and Lasting Change

The Chemical Imbalance Theory of Depression
Double-Blind Experiments Disprove Theory

The Power to Profound Lasting Change
Futility of Rule Following & Goal Setting

The Whole Truth about Heart versus Head
Far More Powerful than Positive Affirmations

Anti-Anxiety Drugs Can Only Mask Your Misery
Numbing You to a Message Life is Trying to Teach

How to Deal with an Irritating & Insulting Co-Worker
Responding Effectively to a Frustrating Work Environment

Superlative Parenting — How to Motivate and Influence Others
Three 3 Modes for Motivating: Coercion, Cooperation, Compassion

Diagnosis vs. Description: Labeling & Pigeon-Holing Doesn't Help
 Why Describing Dis-Orders of Thought & Action Is Superior

Forwarding Emails that contain False Information:
 Five 5 Rules of Email Forwarding Etiquette

Why Obama-Care is Un-Constitutional
 And Romney-Care is Constitutional 

How to Tell if Someone is Lying:
 Tell-Tale Signs of Deception 

If Victimized, You Need Not
 Volunteer for Victimhood 

Matt's Five 5 Part Series:
  Dissecting "The Secret"

At this website, there are many
marvelous and amazing quotable quotes like this:

Every day I live, I am more convinced that the waste of life lies
in the love we have not given, the powers we have not used,
the selfish prudence that will risk nothing and which,
shirking pain, misses happiness as well.

 ~ Mary Cholmondeley

*    *    *    *    *    *    *

Dr Matt's Awesome Answer Archive:
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Read Dr Matt's most popular Article on the Internet:
What is the Difference Between Facts and Truth?

It's True! All Your Troubles are In The JAR:
The Tell-Tale Signs of Betrayal

Default Dialogue with the Devil:
Satan is in the Self-Talk

A Crucial Question:
What is Truth

It's time to get Serious about
Changing Your Stripes!

Difference between Reality & Rhetoric
Dr Matt's 3 Rules for Sorting Fact from Fiction

Dr Matt is now offering Family History Research Services
Discover Your Roots: Find Your Long Lost Ancestors

Freedom is a Verb that needs a Subject and an Object
Dr Matt Explains Freedom From & Freedom To

Dr Matt's Red-Hot Recap & Reactions
Dancing with The Stars
Season Seven

Dr Matt's Myth Busting

Can Microwaves Change the Molecular Structure of Food?
Cancer and Holding Cell Phones Close to Your Body
Birther Madness: Barack Obama Born in Kenya
Your Health and Eating a High Protein Diet
Finishing Marathons Minus the Training
Microwaving in Plastics & Cancer
Myth Rumors and Wives Tales

Dissecting "The Secret"

When the Head is Out of Harmony with the Heart
Getting The Universe to Book Your Appearance on Oprah
Hedonism Hiding in Sheep's Clothing: Twisting a True Principle
Faith as Feeling-Filled Visualization of what You Want

As a Man Thinketh in his Heart, instead of his Head

Dr Matt's Writings

Love  as  Chastening
The Anatomy of Peace
Perfection without Stress
Invitation to the Life Coach
When Loved Ones Pass Away
The  Only  Change  that  Matters
Forgiveness Correctly Understood
Scripture as Literature, . . . at Least!
Thoughts from Lori Hacking's Funeral
Making New Years Resolutions that Last
Self Deception: In Denial & don't Know It
Dr Matt Explains: Victims versus Volunteers
4 those who have Suffered Extremes of Abuse
Setting Up A Happy Home Environment
Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome
Crystal Clear Communication
The Myth of Emotional Scars

Imperative Parenting Power
A Message for Christmas

Is God's Love Unconditional
Is Self-Love Something that God wants me to do

Why "Attention Deficit Disorder" is not what Psychiatrists Say it is!
The Myth of Mental Illness: the Medical Mode
l vs. Social Deviant

Intent Defines the Act: The Importance of Inward Motivations
Alma the Younger: Compelling Conversion and Chiasmus
Finding God: Still Small Voice vs Fire from Heaven
When You're in the B.R.I.A.R., You're a Liar!
Destiny: You Possess the Final Veto Vote
Victimized minus the Victim Mentality

Discerning between Facts & Truth

You Can't Say What You Mean
Dr Matt's Testimony of Truth
Dr Matt's Blog about Jesus

Dr Matt's Counseling

Dr Matt: The Original Un-Therapist
Dr Matt's Philosophy
Dr Matt's Approach
Dr Matt's Disclaimer
The Process of Change

Healing Emotional Scars

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From The Creator of the Universe

The Lord's Covenant Context of Salvation
The Works that I Do Shall Ye Do Also
Infusing Works with Heartfelt Faith
Conundrums Clarified by Context

Be Ye Therefore Perfect, Really?


Ask Dr Matt Answers

The Problem that You Don't "Think" You have a Problem
Confused about Christian Walk: Faith, Works, & Grace
Exploring Mutual Attraction: Giving what you Get
Should I be Fearful about Un-Friendly Food?
Feeling Uninspired: The Key to Motivation
Kicking Addictions: Drugs & Alcohol

The Case of the One-Sided Crush
The Past Lives in the Present
Left for Another Woman
A Perfect Response to Abuse

Yelling and Fighting, Should I Leave?
Different Man Appeared After Marriage
Expect the Love that Falls to eventually Fail
Dream Dilemma: Needing to Find a Lost Baby
I'm Married & Falling in Love with Another Man
My Dream Woman is not Cooperating with My Dream
His Controlling Tendencies will put out Passion Flame
He Promised not to Cheat, then He Cheated Anyway
To Master a Difficulty,  We Must Go Through It
I'm Attracted to Teacher, what should I Do?
They Stole My Idea: Responding Truthfully
Can you Care about Friends Too Much?

Giving Space & Honoring Prerogatives

Victimized minus the Victim Mentality
Heart Remedy: Hoping not Coping

Worry Doesn't Work: Take Action!
Crissy's Crappy Life vs. Where's the Pony?
Divorce and Christianity: The Celestial Standard
Depression Disappears like Frost before the Rising Sun
Mistaken Marriage Vows: Afraid to Hurt His Feelings
The Warmth of Your Love Can Melt Her Coldness

Wedding Snub: What To Do when Disrespected?
Doormat Enables Others to Continue Abuse

Why It Hurts, & How To Forget
How to End a Vicious Cycle
Frustrated with Men!

Dr Matt's Answers to
Your Burning Questions
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r Matt Does Song & Dance

Teach You Mambo & Fix Your Molested Mind
Weekly Ballroom Class taught by the Doctor of Dance
he Best of the West Coast Swing: Dr Matt's Awesome Archive
Review and Recap of So You Think You Can Dance Season 4 Four
So You Think You Can Dance Season 5 Five Recap & Review
Dr Matt's Sizzling Hot Review of American Idol Season 8
Dancing with the Stars Season 7 Dr Matt's Analysis
Dr Matt's Insights into SYTYCD Season 6 Six

Dr Matt's Book

Buy the Book: Changing Your Stripes
Back Cover of Changing Your Stripes
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
The Book's Table of Contents
The Spirit: A Fire Within
The Looking Glass Self
The Heisenberg Effect
Poetry from my Book

Cause v
s Constraint
The Emotional Self
The Love that Stands

Principle of Attraction

Satan is in the Self-Talk
Tell-Tale Signs of Betrayal
Epistemology: Arriving At Truth

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Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking

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Old Hot Air in a New Balloon: the Latest Psychological "Snake Oil"
I-ology — The Pursuit of Self-Importance

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Changing Your Stripes

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