
Social Psychologist & Personal Advisor
Free E-Counseling with Dr Matt |
Sent an email to Dr Matt and he will contact you within 48 hours.
In your email, include the following:
1) your first name and age
2) city, state/province, and country where you live
3) single, married, or divorced - with children?
4) explanation of your situation
Your free e-counseling is much more effective when you have a
copy of "Changing Your Stripes" — because the principles that
apply to your problem are thoroughly detailed in the book.
Personal Information like "your age" and "where you live" generally, give
Dr Matt a sense of who you are, so he can better answer your question.
By asking Dr Matt a question, you give permission to Dr Matt to have
your words used for educational purposes at websites, in books,
in public presentations, or any other educational setting;
of course, your identity will be kept confidential and
details contained in your question, that may
reveal your identity, will be altered.
Let's do this!
