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Final 2 Contestants Dr Matt's weekly review of American Idol from the Top Thirty Six Singers to the Final Two: 36 - 1 36 - 2 36 - 3 Wild Card 13 11 10 Howdy American Idolaters? Time to stick a fork in this Show, and bring on So You Think You Can Dance. Give Adam Lambert the Idol Crown. He deserves it. But because he is "gay," he may not win the vote in the end. Based upon quality of his performances, Adam should win, America Online Poll - Post-show May 20th 13. Jasmine Murray Dr Matt's Red-Hot Reflections: Adam has been leading the AOL Poll throughout the entire season, and he's on top in the very last week too! The Dial Idol Poll suggest a possible, unexpected surprise! Dial Idol Results for the Top 3 2. Adam Lambert - 1 Kris as the American Idol . . . that's a new concept! Last week's elimination: 3 - Danny Gokey — "Dance Little Sister" & "You Are So Beautiful" This song really fits Danny's sand-paper, husky voice! A good song choice via Paula Abdul. However, Simon dissed the choice, saying that the , but should have chosen a more popular songs from the Terence Trent D'arby collection. After reminding the two female judges that this is NOT a dancing show, but a singing contest, Simon admited that "the dancing was a bit desparate" — agreeing with Kara. "Stunning" . . . "You left us breatheless" . . . "I would call that a vocal master class" . . . WHAT? The first time hearing this piece, I was thinking: "where is Joe Cocker when you need him." Simon said it: Don't mess up the original arrangement. I just could NOT enjoy this song at all, because it wasn't even close to being as passionate and pleading and rought as Joe Cocker's classic rendition. But, second time through, and putting the Joe Cocker comparison to the side, he sung this song pretty well. Dr Matt's Red-Hot Rankings from Less to Best 6 - Kris Allen — "No Boundaries" (Kara's Crappy Coronation Song) Can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear. This song was a real loser. It was hard for the singers to sell this one. And how do you NOT adjust the key to Kris's best vocal range? It was painful to listen to. A real BOMB for Kara D. 5 - Adam Lambert — "No Boundaries" (Kara's Crappy Coronation Song) Adam is NOT scoring big points tonight, because he's doesn't have a screaming-rocker song to Belt out of the Ballpark. He sang this pickle-sucking song better than Kris. 4 - Kris Allen — "What's Goin' On" (Producer's Choice) I really like what Kris did with the song, although it sounded suspiciously like "She Works Hard For The Money." I don't agree with the criticism for not being big enough for the stage because what COULD he do with that song to make it bigger while still staying true to himself? He didn't pick this song! 3 - Kris Allen — "Ain't No Sunshine" (singer's favorite performance) Speaking of Sunshine, Kris really "shined" on this song better, compared to the first time he performed it. His vocal nuances and dynamics were fantastic. Kris has been picking up momentum throughout the season. Adam has been at a high level from the start. 2 - Adam Lambert — "A Change Is Gonna Come" (Producer's Choice) Vocally, he really sounds amazing. He didn't take it too far with the high notes this time. His lower register sounded great. It was his most balanced vocal performance of the year. 1 - Adam Lambert — "Mad World" (Singer's favorite performance) Quite a mysterious entrance with the fog — very Phantom-esque. It's hard for Adam to top his earlier performance of this song. I think he should have sung one of his up-beat songs. Still a great performance. Who will be the American Idol? Based upon his performances, Adam Lambert deserves it. He's been head and shoulders above the competition for many weeks. BUT the vote is in the hands of the American people, and if they decide they don't want a "gay" American Idol . . . then, Kris just might win! * * * * * * *
Surprised Look: Indeed Kris was the Underdog! Top 3 Results Show: the Contestant Kicked to the Curb Idol Producers are getting better and better at putting on a great Finale Show: Here's Adam rocking the house with Kiss — Awesome! Kris does a nice duet with Keith Urban — Excellent! :o) |
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