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Buzz about American Idol — Season 8

By Dr Matt 

Top 7 Contestants

Dr Matt's weekly review of American Idol from the Top Thirty Six Singers to the Final Two:

36 - 1       36 - 2       36 - 3       Wild Card     13     11     10  
  9       8       7      6       5       4       3       Final 2

Howdy American Idolaters:

HEY, what to you think of the Simon-Paula vs. Randy-Kara tag team Judging match? It's REALLY stupid, right? Let me tell you why: Because, Simon Cowell's opinion can sway thousands of votes one way, or the other. And since he's voicing his opinion only on every other contestant, then the LUCK of the draw comes into play—that's not fair to all contestants equally.

For example, Kara & Randy may like one contestant, but if Simon had a voice, he MIGHT HAVE completely TRASHED that same contestant!

The BIGGEST surprize this week, was a very believable performance by Anoop Dog — the guy who typically appears to be a "college student trying to be a singer." This week, he was a singer. Maybe the advice of Quinton Tarrantino was just enough to do the trick — "rough up your voice a little . . . gives us more emotions and passion."

Anoop delivers a performance that makes me believe he can be
a pro singer, and NOT just a college student singing karaoke!

Tuesday, April 14th, 8:00 pm EDT

America Online Poll - Pre-show
The Popular Vote — from Lowest to Mowest:  

          13.  Jasmine Murray          
   12.  Jorge Nunez           
  11.  Alexis Grace           
10.  Michael Sarver   
         9.  Megan Corkrey        
8.  Scott MacIntyre         
 Lil Rounds +1               
      6.  Anoop Desai = 0      
        5.  Matt Giraud = 0        
       4.  Kris Allen = 0             
  3.  Danny Gokey - 1   
      2.  Allison Iraheta + 1  
      1.  Adam Lambert = 0 

Dr Matt's Red-Hot Reflections:

Performances DO make a difference. Allison Iraheta moved up to #2, ahead of Danny Gokey, in the post-show AOL Poll last week (Top 8). Now in the Top 7 pre-show poll, Allison maintains her #2 position.

According to Dial Idol's results of the Top Seven, Lil Rounds, amazingly, is the #2 safest contestant, after Danny Gokey. I'm amazed because she's been in DEAD last place in America Online's "Who Should Win" Poll for the last 2 weeks in a row. Lil Rounds is the Queen of Bad Song Choice — every song she picks is "poison" in the minds of the Judges (and I think so too).

Dial Idol Results for Top 7
from Less to Best:

   7.  Kris Allen + 1          
    6.  Matt Giraud - 1      
    5.  Allison Iraheta - 2  
     4.  Anoop Desai + 3      
    3.  Adam Lambert - 2  
       2.  Lil Rounds + 2           
  1.  Danny Gokey + 1  

No consistency in the Dial Idol Results compared to last week, EXCEPT that Kris brings up the rear 2 weeks in a row. However, last week, Kris didn't go home (but was predicted to do so by the ever-accurate Dial Idol. The BIG surprize in the Dial Idol results, is that Lil Rounds is the 2nd safest contestant.

When Dial Idol factors in a statistical "margin of error," then it is predicted that ONLY Danny Gokey is completely SAFE from elimination. The other 6 contestants actually have a CHANCE of, not only being in the Bottom Three, but to be eliminated as well.

Last week's elimination:

 8 - Scott MacIntyre"The Search Is Over"
        Home Town: Scottsdale, Arizona

Scott got mixed reviews on what would be his performance. I made up my mind about the quality of his performance BEFORE the Judges opened their mouths. I liked what I saw and heard. He sang with believable passion. Further, strapping a guitar around his neck and actually playing it (to the point I could HEAR his strumming) was very impressive — compared to Kris's guitar-as-decoration routine.

Yeah, I know he strained on a couple of high notes. I forgave him for that, but American didn't. Scott MacIntyre: Gone with the wind!

Dr Matt's Red-Hot Rankings from Less to Best
* Song from Movies *

 7 - Lil Rounds"The Rose"
        Home Town: Memphis, Tennessee

I have 5 words for Lil Rounds: You're the Queen of Bad Song Choice! (Technically, that's 7 words, but I'm using the Kara Dioguardi counting system, which has a + or - 3 margin of error!). Oh my Gosh, when is Lil gonna get a clue about picking a song to which she can really SHINE!?

Last week, Lil was Kopy Kat-ting Tina Turner; and this week, she takes on a Bette Midler song, and comes up short in the comparison.

 6 - Kris Allen "Falling Slowly"
        Home Town: Conway, Arkansas

I'm not enjoying Kris's singing lately. Have you noticed that he screws up his mouth real weird on the ending notes? It was a real Snore-Fest for me. I couldn't wait for it to be over. I even took a trip to the Fridge to get some food, it was that UN-entertaining for me.

 5 - Danny Gokey"Endless Love"
        Home Town: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

On the positive side of thing, Gokey is consistent! He consistantly sings the SAME every week. In fact, I'm wondering if he's even changed songs — I'm thinking he's sung the SAME song now for the last 5 weeks? They all song the SAME to me. In contrast, you notice how Adam Lambert changes up his performances from week to week. ME LIKEY VARIETY! Danny Gokey was the 2nd Act to the Snore-Fest! With the first 2 acts being Lil and Kris.

 4 - Matt Giraud"Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman"
        Home Town: Kalamazoo, Michigan

Extremely talented piano player, and excellent soulful singer. I liked his performance, even though the Judges criticized it a bit!

 3 - Allison Iraheta"Don’t Want to Miss a Thing"
        Home Town: Los Angeles, California

Allison's got a great voice! Her vocals have a distinctive style. Still don't like her personality, but she should survive a couple more weeks for IT to grow on me. Did you LOVE Quinton's coaching of Allison, to improve her performance? I think it went something like "Let me grab this chair and sit down" . . . oh yeah, the old "sit-down-on-a-chair" technique: that's does it for me everytime. NOT!

 2 - Anoop Desai"Everything I Do"
        Home Town: Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Anoop's always been a good singer: He hits the notes without going flat or sharp, and he can embellish a song with a variety of vocal riffs. BUT, he's had a believability problem with me. I feel like I'm watch a college guy singing Karaoke.

But tonight it was different. Anoop sang great, and I felt like he was a genuine singing artist, and not just a guy pretending and imitating.

Anoop's been in the Bottom three a few times now. We'll see if tonight's performance changes his fortunes!

 1 - Adam Lambert"Born to be Wild"
        Home Town: Los Angeles, California

Adam Lambert does Billy Idol . . . better than Billy Idol. He's got the punk rock look down pat. His vocal range is incredible. Watch the way he enter the stage: He's in charge completely. He takes command of the moment. He interacted with the band like a seasoned professional. His performance was energetic and infectious.

Because "acting" is one of his main things: Adam was totally enjoying the advice of Quinten Tarrantino.

Lil Rounds: Queen of Bad-Song Choice. I'd send her home,
but according to Dial Idol, she's safe tonight!

Who's going home tonight?

Kris: The King of the Snore-Fest: He's my pick to go home. How can any sane person guess against the Dial Idol Data — which has been right 4 weeks in a row (even correctly calling the unexpected demise of Alexis Grace). However, last week Dial Idol had Kris going home, and Scott MacIntyre, who was 2nd from the bottom, was kicked to the Curb.

Anoop was in the Bottom Three last week, but with GREAT SINGING, Anoop has climbed his way to safety! Good for Anoop Dog! Woof . . . Woof!

*    *    *    *    *    *    *

Top 7 Results Show: the Contestant Tossed in the Trash

To make a long story short: Lil Rounds, Anoop Desai, and Scott McIntyre ended up in the Bottom 3. I totally predicted Anoop and Lil — and I also stated that Anoop would be MORE vulnerable to elimination than Lil, . . . and he was!

Anoop had the 2nd lowest vote totals; just 30,000 votes more than Scott, who was ultimately eliminated. Scott sang for his life: Two of the judges wanted to invoke the one-time-save rule (most likely Paula and Kara), and two of the judges wanted to kick Scott to the curb (most likely Randy Jackson and the evil Simon Cowell).

Matt Giraud: the beneficiary of the very first us of the "JUDGES SAVE" rule (in the history of American Idol)! Yahoo! You would have thought he had won the whole enchilada! Save this week to, alas, be booted the next, when two (2) contestants will be kicked to the curb!

Dr Matt

Read next week's American Idol review -----> Top 7 for the 2nd Time


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