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Top 4 Contestants Dr Matt's weekly review of American Idol from the Top Thirty Six Singers to the Final Two: 36 - 1 36 - 2 36 - 3 Wild Card 13 11 10 On Yeong Haseyo American Idolaters: Down to the Final Four: Whoopee! Expectations High for this week. Rock N' Roll Baby! Considering all the great Rock song to choose from, you'd think that this show would be . . . FANTASTIC! It delivered here and there, but fell flat on it's face more often than not. Adam sings "Whole Lotta Love" at the top of the show, and America Online Poll - Post-show May 5th 13. Jasmine Murray Dr Matt's Red-Hot Reflections: Matt Giraud was booted last week, just as I expected! Allison Iraheta and Danny Moved up one spot from last week, and Kris Allen dropped two spots. I haven't yet looked at the Dial Idol results, but I would be surprised if Kris Allen is NOT on the bottom of those predictions. Let's look at Dial Idol's results: Dial Idol Results for the Second Top 4 4. Allison Iraheta - 1 Last week, the AOL Poll was exactly right, and Dial Idol got it right with Matt Giraud. This week, the numbers are very close between Allison and Kris — less than one percentage point separate them. In contrast, Adam is the only contestant that is completely safe, with NO statistical chance of being booted. That's just how good he was singing: Whole Lotta Love! Honestly, I liked it MORE than Jimmy Page! His performance was volcano-molten-lava hot! Last week's elimination: 5 - Matt Giraud — "My Funny Valentine" Song Choice. Great Song . . . but not a great performance. Adam Lambert could have sold this song easily; and I think Anoop Desai could have done it justice too! Matt has a "diction" problem. He doesn't shape his vowels right; and this shows up prominently when he sings a slow ballad like this. Matt needs to stay with up tempo songs that he can embellish with his jazz riffs: Ray Charles-like songs. This slow ballad . . . induced a slow death for Matt. I think he's definitely GONE after this one. Simon thought Matt's performance was brilliant, and the other three judges were luke-warm. I'm with the majority on this one. Dr Matt's Red-Hot Rankings from Less to Best 4 - Kris Allen — "Come Together" Oh my Gosh, who is advising these singers on song choice? Come together . . . BORING! There are only 3 thousand songs more exciting than this . . . to choose from. 3 - Danny Gokey — "Dream On" Wow, did Danny ever butcher that last note! Terrible song choice for Danny! I rank him ahead of Chris, simply because Danny out performed him in the Stix number. 2 - Allison Iraheta — "Cry Baby" Terrible song choice again. This song has no melody. It just repeats over and over the uninspiring title: Cry Baby . . . Cry Baby . . . Cray Baby. Very UN-entertaining! Still, she sung it well, and had a great duet with Adam — which was also a terrible song choice: Slow Ride! BORING . . . I had a majore Snore-fest during this one! 1 - Adam Lambert — "Whole Lotta Love" Better that the Led Zepplin original. Honestly, this was dynomite in every way! Loved it! Every other song was a let down after this. Who's going home tonight? My best guess would be Chris. American Idol Producers clearly are hoping to put a female in the Final Three. This is why they paired up Allison with Adam in the LAST NUMBER of the night! * * * * * * *
Alas, the Pimp Spot (shared with Adam) was not enough to save Allison. Top 4 Results Show: the Contestant Kicked to the Curb Allison was the one to go! This was a surprise to me. Since it was clear that the Producers were giving her every advantage to move forward, . . . in the end, I thought the Producers would simply enforce their preference. The fact that Allison was eliminated, is evidence that the Producers honored the popular vote in the end (which, theoretically, is what we all assume is the case anyway). Three guys in the Final 3? Sounds like a recipe for boredom! :o) Read next week's American Idol review -----> Top 3 |
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