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Here are the weekly Recaps from the Top Thirteen Couples to the Final Three: Intro 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Final 3 Ciao amanti di ballo: My greeting this week is "Hello Dance Lovers" in Italian. If you continue visiting Dr Matt's Fantastic Website, you will eventually learn how to say "Hi" in a dozen languages! Get insightful reviews of DWTS . . . AND expand your linguistic horizons. Is that awesome . . . or what? With Julianne looking like "Lucille Ball," Cody and Julianne really delivered with a Jitterbug this week. Here's my Less to Best Ranking for Week Number Five: 8 - CLORIS LEACHMAN — Corky Ballas ( Judges Score: 7 + 7 + 7 = 21, Judges Rank #8 ) This week Cloris was hoping to "survive" another round of eliminations. If she "survives" it will be due to her popularity and NOT her dancing. Corky is NOT a Salsa dancer; thus, he puts together choreography that felt more like a Samba . . . than Salsa. I didn't like Corky's high-riser pants, and I didn't like this performance. They should receive the lowest scores of the night, and they should also be the couple poised for elimination. 7 - WARREN SAPP — Kym Johnson ( J-Score: 8 + 8 + 9 = 25, J-Rank #4 ) What's up with the "9" that Bruno gives this performance? Can you say "Score Inflation"? That's what the Judges do every season, so . . . what else is new! Last week, Warren performed a Frankenstein-like Samba. This week, he dances a Frankenstein-like Hustle. His execution was heavy and hoppy. Hustle is supposed to be smooth, and without bounce. The real teast of the technique is when the dancer can do the two 'quick" steps without HOPPING. Warren HOPPED throughout the routine! But on the bright side, Sapp's Hustle was lively. The judges gave Warren a higher score compared to Susan, but I don't agree with their assessment. I'm marking down Warren for his HOPPING. Susan gets my higher ranking for being smooth and clean. 6 - TONI BRAXTON — Alec Mazo ( J-Score: 7 + 7 + 8 = 22, J-Rank #6 ) Because Alec is NOT a real West Coast Swinger, it's not surprising that his choreographical content looked MORE like embellishments of Samba and Cha Cha, or any other International Sytle Dance other than the assigned dance: West Coast Swing. The Judges figured that out, and called Alec on it. Toni executed non-WCS steps very well, and impressed Bruno to an "8" score. I can't concur with this evaluation because, what Toni was doing, did not have the typical flair or flavor of the West Coast Swing. They did ONE WCS basic in the whole dance—everything else was NOT WCS. 5 - LANCE BASS — Lacey Schwimmer ( J-Score: 7 + 7 + 7 = 21, J-Rank #7 ) Name of the show: Dancing WITH the Stars, not Dancing AROUND the Stars. The judges felt that Lacey did too much "dancing around" her Star. Truth is . . . because Dr Matt knows West Coast Swing in a BIG WAY, Lance Bass hasn't got a prayer of getting into WCS technique that takes YEARS to develop. Since Lacey is a national champion in West Coast Swing competition, she is going to naturally have HUGE PIZZAZZ in this dance, compared to her partner; hence, "dancing around" the Star could hardly be avoided. The choreography was fantastic. Coincidentally, Lacey's dad, Buddy Schwimmer, taught me the Latin Hustle years ago. I know first hand the creativity of Buddy Schwimmer's choreographical talent. Just evaluating the dancing, apart from the dancing style, Toni out-danced Lance easily. But because Lance actually DID West Coast Swing, I'm ranking his performance higher. You see, when you have to do the ACTUAL DANCE, there are technique challenges that are unique to each style. Toni would have had a tougher time had she actually attempted West Coast Swing steps and style. 4 - SUSAN LUCCI — Tony Dovolani ( J-Score: 7 + 7 + 8 = 22, J-Rank #5 ) Every week, my review of Susan's dancing, and Tony's dance teaching, is about the same: Small and Tidy. Susan's performance is better than some, and not as good as others; hence, the middle of the pack is where she should be. Eventually, she should NOT be in the final 3 dance couples. This week, a good performance. 3 - MAURICE GREENE — Cheryl Burke ( J-Score: 9 + 9 + 9 = 27, J-Rank #3 ) Now we know why Cheryl is a two-time DWTS Champion. She really whipped Maurice into shape. Wow, great routine! Lots of energy! Maurice was taught genuine technique (as opposed to "smoke and mirror" posing, while the PRO dances around the Star. I wasn't surprised at all when Maurice was given three "9" scores! 2 - CODY LINLEY — Julianne Hough ( J-Score: 10 + 9 + 9 = 28, J-Rank #2 ) Excellent performance! The judges have painted themselves into a corner by giving Maurice 3 "9" scores. They had to give Cody and Juilianne at least one "10" and they did! Julianne is totally looking like "I Love Lucy" in this number. 1 - BROOKE BURKE — Derek Hough ( J-Score: 10 + 9 + 10 = 29, J-Rank #1 ) After giving Maurice and Cheryl three "9" scores, the judges had nowhere to go but "10" scores for this top-notch routine! Brook IS a natural dancer. She pulled of this challenging routine as if she's been Jitterbugging for years. Nice performance! Brooke and Derek continue as the couple to beat! Elimination Prediction: Who SHOULD Go? Cloris Leachman deserves the boot. We will see the strength of her Fan Base this week. And speaking of Fan Base, because their performances were rated lower by the judges, and were also very comparible, the other couples slated for possible elimination are: Lance & Lacey, Toni & Alec, and Susan & Tony. We'll see who's got Fan Base!
Results Show Recap: Cody and Julianne's Jitterbug is chosen for the encore performance, and deservedly so! The judges could have chosen Brooke & Derek for the encore, but they've already been there and done that. First to be saved: Warren & Kym , as well as Cloris & Corky . Both of these couples were in the bottom half of my rankings. It should be interesting to see who's gone, now that the obvious elimination couple—based solely upon dancing prowess—is Cloris & Corky. Could they have hyped the Macy's 150 year anniversary dance spectacular more? I don't think so. They puffed up the expectations on this dance performance so high, that reality just could match the expectations. It was good, but NOT half what I expected after all the HYPE. Next to be saved: Cody & Julianne, and Maurice & Cheryl. Brooke & Derek, then Lance & Lacey are saved. Bottom Two are Toni & Alec and Susan & Tony. GONE is Toni & Alec. In previous weeks, I thought that Alec lacked appeal as a Professional. His personality doesn't project as easily as others. So, if Susan & Tony are in the real bottom two, they should be vying for elimination in next week with Cloris & Corky. :o) P.S. Here's the Recap and Review for DWTS Week #6 * * * * * * * Penn Jillette, Magician & Kym Johnson — 12th * * * * * * * Josie Maran, Model & Alec Mazo — 12th * * * * * * * Paulina Porizkova, Supermodel Alec Mazo — 11th * * * * * * * Tucker Carlson, Political Pundit & Elena Grinenko — 10th * * * * * * * Kenny Mayne, ESPN Sports Anchor & Andrea Hale — 10th * * * * * * * Trista Rehn, The Bachelorette & Louis van Amstel — 6th
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