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Here are the weekly Recaps from the Top Twenty Dancers to the Final Four: Intro 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 Final 4 Final Four Whoopee! So You Think You Can Choose A Winner? This year's final four is so even: I can find a reason for any one of the four final contestants winning. Creating co-winners, might be a good idea in the future! One winner from among the guys and another winner among the girls. Jeanine has a good shot at winning it all for these reasons: She is the "came-out-of-nowhere" underdog, who hasn't been shamelessly pimped by the judges. Doesn't it annoy you a bit, when the judges tell you who you ought to vote for each week. Their pimping has reached a crescendo this year. I'm thinking that the Adam Lambert phenomenon may kick in this year: In the American Idol competition, Adam Lambert was by far the most talented, but in the end, America chose the "nice guy" . . . Chris Allen. The same might happen in regard to Even Kasprzak. He's a real nice guy, and an excellent dancer — even though the judges put him down almost every week, saying "we need MORE from you Evan." An Nigel Lythgoe was completely CLASS-less as he hammered on Evan once again, in the Final Four Finale. Come on . . . give the guy a break already — let him enjoy the fact that he made the Final Four. The opening dance was a Wade Robson football thing that was almost single-handedly destroyed by bad camera work. Could they find an angle where we could see the girls primping AND continue watching the guys do their stuff? The sneak peak at Season 6 was self-congratulatory filler, but I have to admit it thrilled me! Truthfully, I really enjoy the front side of the show, compared to the back side. It's exciting to see all the different personalities when you have 20 Dancers and 10 couples. For me, it get less interesting from Top 10 . . . to the end.
I call this a set up: Giving Evan and Kayla a dance that they really cannot excel at. Brandon and Jeanine would not do much better, honestly. The is the SYTYCD Producers attempt to manipulate the final results; knocking down Evan and Kayla, and building up Brandon & Jeanine. Of course, Nigel boldly blurted in Final 2 preference. Evan's kicks were more jive-like than last time when he danced with Randi Kayla stole the show on this dance? Kayla has taken a page out of Brandon's book: put your heart and soul into every movement. Of course, Brandon tends to OVERDANCE some of this moves. Curiously, the crowd chanting support for Evan after this?
Brandon looked very convincing and looked like he belonged in this "nasty" routine. Evan, however, looked like he was doing West Side Story. He did come up with a great line, however, after Mary Murphy asked what was the nastiest thing he's ever done: "That's a toughie. The list is so long." Another "set up" by the Producers: Creating a number that more naturally fits Brandon, compared to Evan. The sinister conspiracy to manipulate the final results, continues. This piece was definitely more Brandon’s genre than Evan’s. I have to admit that Evan stepped it up and hung in there, but Brandon outdanced him — my eyes kept going to Brandon, because he dances with energy and emphasis! Even the camera was favoring Brandon, shutting Evan out of the shot on some of his solo moves. This Jazz routine by That Lady with the Headphones Around Her Neck, was a little too Michael-Jackson-”Beat-It” for me, . . . but it was OK — just a little better than the Country Jive.
Evan did a fine job! If you just let his dancing be what it is . . . and turn off the propaganda machine that IS Nigel Lythgoe . . . with Adam Shankman being his hired hit man this week . . . Evan dances GREAT! Sonya from Mohawkia had a clever theme going: push the love-sick boy away every chance you get! Sonya from Mohawkia had Jeanine “Apache-scalping” Evan every chance she got. The routine was filled with a lot of good dancing technique.
Fierce effort. The two dancers gave it all they had. But in the end, I know what great Paso Doble looks like, . . . and these two feel short. Truth is, this year's Ballroom Dancing got worse, as soon as Janette was eliminated. And as good as Janette was . . . she's not quite as good as Lacey Schwimmer and Chelsie Hightower. The music was great, the costumes were great, the choreography was great — and all this was BIGGER than the dancers could live up to. Of course, as this dance was put in the PIMP spot, the Judges are going to tell you that it's a fabulous number, and most people will be persuaded — as Mary Murphy starts screaming "Hot Tamale Train." In comparison, watch Maxim and Yulia dance to the Matrix Theme, and do some Paso Doble too. Here is the Standard that needs to be met, and I'm thinking only Chelsie & Lacey with Benji & Pasha could have done this piece justice! So You Think You Can . . . Contemporary Dance is NOT the name of the show. Ballroom Dancing technique was severely lacking this year (with the exception of Janette's commendable contributions).
Even though the judges automatically go into "over-praise mode" just because it's a Mia dance, STILL I judge this number, and all the numbers WITHOUT listening to the Judges AT ALL. And believe me, I saw a different show than the one they were pimping! Contemporary with Mia “Boom Boom” Michaels. What a challenging, beautiful, and interesting piece that was. Jeanine danced it absolutely admirably (even though she had more trouble with removing costume pieces than Kayla did). I just couldn't take my eyes off Kayla during this number. Because she's blonde and her body is longer . . . she stands out — and admittedly, Jeanine is doing every step of the choreography just as well.
Great lifts and awesome tricks. As the judges have said to infinity, Kayla's lines are phenomenal. And she looked fierce. She seemed to end her turn too early when they were doing side-by-sides, but Brandon seems like he could go on forever. Surprisingly, I REALLY LOVED this Tyce Diorio number. It didn't look like typical Tyce . . . and that's why I liked it! I have fond memories of the Broadway original (from the movie); Tyce did a fine job paying homage and embellishing beyond. And let’s talk about Brandon and Kayla for a minute! Even though Jeanine and Evan were very good in the 3rd best performance of the night, . . . ya gotta admit they looked like the B team compared to these two. That was a virtuoso mix of technique and showmanship. We'll see if this translates into votes (amid the blaring propaganda noise of the judges).
Predictions: If the VOTING were based just upon the Solos, here's how I would rank them: 1 - Jeanine. She proved that you don't have to do spectacular athletic movement (Brandon) . . . to create a pleasing presentation. She always shows great control and artistry . . . and I love that! 2 - Brandon. Admittedly, he does some super-human moves, BUT where does "interpreting" the music come in? I'm seeing TRICK after TRICK and less attention to musical interpretation. That's why Jeanine gets the edge over Brandon in the solos. 3 - Evan. I like his Gene Kelly smooth style. It's fantastic. His interpretation of the music is superb. 4 - Kayla. White Lightning's Achilles' heel has been her solos. She seriously NEEDS to have somebody else choreograph what she does in her solos. Because Kayla is fantastic at executing choreography, but not so hot at creating her own. This is a tough one! Based upon the fact that Evan has NEVER been in a Bottom 2 or 3 . . . you have to like his chances. However, the Judges did their best to knock Evan down, and level the playing field, and especially promoting Jeanine, last minute, saying "You're peaking at just the right time." I can actually see any of the 4 of them win it! Have the Judges soured America on their previous support for Evan and Kayla? Look at the popular numbers from a couple of weeks ago: Top Five Guys Raw # Perc. Top Five Girls Raw # Perc. The burning question is: just how many people are in the "Swing Vote" category. The die-hard FANS for each dancer will continue to vote for their favorite, but the Swing Voters are free to SWING to those dancers who have a memorable performances lately. And the Swing Voters are also FREE to respond to Nigel Lythgoe's BIG YAPPER and say: "No, we are NOT going to vote for the dancers you've been pimping . . . we will vote the way we WANT!"
Results Show: Loved the Opening Number! With all 20 dancers in this number, it's even better than before. I noticed that Philip Chebe was doing street tricks with the first guy out, what's-his-name, . . . the choreographer took advantage of the skills of the new dancers added! Superb job! Best performances of the season? Interesting choices, that were obviously chosen by the Producers, with some of the Judges pretending sincerity when they had to sell it. What's up with Louis Van amstel having 3 pieces performed tonight? I'm thinking that it a prelude to what NEEDS to happen on tour. You can't do Contemporary and Hip Hop all night, you need some good quality Ballroom Dance numbers. I'm thinking Loius might be the tour "coach," and thus his choreography was showcased. Further, if Janette get injured, who is going to dance her Ballroom numbers? Possibly Asuka, who is a ballroom specialist, is going to be in an "understudy" role for tour, and maybe Vitolio is going to be a "backup" too. So they have these two do a very pretty waltz on this Final Show -- something up!? the Bottom Two turned out: Jeanine Mason is IN THE FINAL FOUR! Drum roll please: Melissa and Ade are eliminated. Evan & Kayla join Brandon & Jeanine in the FINAL FOUR! :o) Weekly SYTYCD Recaps from the Top Twenty Dancers to the Final Four: Intro 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 Final 4
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