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Here are the weekly Recaps from the Top Twenty Dancers to the Final Four: Intro 20 18 16 14 12 Top 10 8 6 Final 4 Yo Dance Fans: It's that time of the year, when SYTYCD gets just a little boring. You've got to admit: don't you yearn to see tonight routines done by the couples that have forged a familiar partnership? I know . . . I do! The Waltz by Evan & Kayla would have been soooooooo much better . . . if it were Even & Randi! And the Paso Doble by Kupono & Randi would have been soooooo much more entertaining if danced by Kupono & Kayla Notable exceptions: Ade & Janette created the BEST chemistry of the evening while dancing their Nappy Tab Hip Hop routine. And Jeanine & Jason also created great chemistry . . . in a piece of choreography that required chemistry! HELLO . . . did anyone notice: Jeanine & Jason were given a routine in their dance style, THEN the Judges called them "Stars!" . . . I smell the Judges/Producers trying to shape the finals!
Kayla Danced beautifully and Evan, even though a midget of a man, danced smoothly and competently; BUT the gestault of this dance . . . just didn't work for me. The couple chemistry was such a distraction throughout. I could have rated this waltz ahead of Kupono and Randi's Paso Doble — and you might think I should, because their Paso was NOT so good. In the final analysis, I'm invoking the "WHAT IF THE COUPLES TRADED ROUTINES" Rule. And if Evan and Kayla had to do a dance which requires much more Ballroom Dance Technique, I'm thinking Evan & Kayla would have done WORSE. On the other hand, if Randi & Kupono do the Waltz, they would have shined. Because the Waltz choreography that Tony & Melanie put together is very condusive to Contemporary Dance training.
When you want to find reasons NOT to like something, you will reach for any excuse: So, Randi get's criticized for wearing the wig? Yes, it did make her quite unrecognizable, but I thought that the effect was quite cool: I kept saying . . . "Is that really Randi? It doesn't look like Randi?!?" Yes, the execution of choreography was NOT so hot. It's a tough Dance to do! When I learned International Ballroom Dance, Waltz was taught at the Bronze level simply because beginning dancers can do it; whereas, the Paso Doble was introduced at the Silver Level, because a dancer need Dance technique under their belt, to do it. Bottom Line: This Dance was tougher that the Viennese Waltz that Evan & Kayla danced. And I'm thinking that Evan & Kayla would NOT have done better that K&R in this Paso. So applying the "What if the Couples Switched Choreography" Rule, I'm thinking that the cross comparison gives Kupono & Randi the comparitive edge — they would have excelled in the Viennese Waltz, no question. (Or maybe the fact that Randi comes from my home town is completely blinding my evaluation . . . NO, Dr Matt would NOT do that!). So, the old "luck of the draw" bites Randi & Kupono in the butt. Yet, I don't think it was the Luck of the Draw at all — even though they show token scenes of "names" and "dances" being pulled out of a hat. Instead, this partnership, and this dance were brought together by design. The popularity polls I've seen on the internet have Kupono & Randi being the lowest man and woman in the competition. What a coincidence that they would be paired together, given an extremely tough dance to do, then receive a real RAKING OVER by the judges. It will be interesting to see if America falls for the Judges' conspiracy/set up?
Brandon's athletic-do-anthing dancing and I really appreciate Melissa's fine artistry! But put these two together, and I'm wishing this routine were dance instead by either Brandon & Janette . . . or . . . Ade & Melissa! The "Mere Exposure Effect" rears its ugly head again. "Mere Exposure" is a social psychological phenomenon that manifest this way: people tend to like, and be attracted to, other people (and things) with which they come in regular contact.
Of all the couples, I thought the chemistry between this pair was the best. I would have rated this routine at the top, but the synchro between Ade & Janette could have been cleaner! But on the whole, this was one HOT routine. Very entertaining, and the chemistry between Ade & Janette was believable.
Great choreography by Travis Wall! He's going to become a favorite among the dancers, possibly even more than Mia Michaels over time. For one thing, he command more repect because he, like Wade Robson, can do all that he asks of the dancers. Jeanine & Jason were very lucky to pull this one out of the hat (translation: they were lucky that the Producers wanted to promote their advancement in the competition). So, they were given a routine that was IN their dance style. Randi & Kupono could have danced this one great (even though the Chemistry between a Kupono & Randi (who is married) would have been a stretch. Alas, the SYTYCD Producers did NOT smile upon the advancement of Kupono & Randi. Brandon & Melissa could have dance this routine very well too! But because of height differences, chemistry would have also been a stretch.
Predictions: I averaged the popularity percentage from 5 separate polls of the Top 10 SYTYCDancers (1450 total Respondents) and an interesting pattern emerged: Top Five Guys Raw # Perc. Top Five Girls Raw # Perc. Notice who is most popular, and who was partnered to whom? And then when you realize that Randi & Kupono (the couple with the lowest percentage of popular vote) are given a dance OUT OF their specialties — the Paso Doble — and then they got hammered by the Judges, almost assuring their elimination. We will see how the Vote shakes out? Even though Randi Evans has the lowest popularity percentage, you have to keep in mind the question that Respondants are answering: "Who do you think will win the title of America's Favorite Dancer?" While a dancer may NOT win the highest title, still certain dancers may have enough appeal to make their way to the Final 6 or Final 4. Melissa Sandvig is one of my favorite female dancers, but I don't see her winning over Kayla or Jeanine! The Polls that I got my data from were up to 2 weeks old, so they do not reflect the SURGE that Ade is having lately — due to his spectacular Dance-For-Your-Life Solos! I see his stock rising BIG TIME. In fact, I think he fits a similar mold in terms of talent, and humble personality, as last years winner Joshua!
Results Show: I KNEW the Group Dance was choreographed by Wade Robson: I recognized some of the moves, plus Wade's wife is oriental, so the oriental theme tipped me off too! Loved the number! As usual, the dancers were wearing make-up so recognition was virtually impossible. They even made Jeanine's BIG LIPS disappear: they painted on a little tiny Betty Boop pucker in the middle of her ample mouth — it was weird. Then, I couldn't find Randi because they put a BLACK wig on her. So here's how the Bottom Two turned out: Janette Manrara is SAFE! Jason Glover is SAFE! No Surprise: Randi Evans and Kupono Aweau are eliminated! Someone who WAS surprised when Randi's name was announced . . . was Melissa — she had a look of genuine shock. Having been in the Bottom 3 Three the week before, Melissa was expecting that it was her time to go. Maybe next week? The Judges/Producer's set up worked to perfection. Even WITHOUT the set up, maybe these two go home anyway? But it sure helps to be able to DANCE choreography in your style, as Jason & Jeanine did. Randi benefitted from being partnered with Evan K. Even though the Judges criticize him weekly, America likes this guy. If the polls about are to be believed, Evan IS the most popular guy! A similar benefit was enjoyed by Will Wingfield's partner . . . what's her name? oh yeah . . . Jessica King. Week after week, Will received high praise, and the Judges seemed to say to Jessica, week after week, you are NOT worthy of Will Wingfield. Donyelle Jones, the partner of Benji Schwimmer also benefitted from the HUGE popularity of Benji, and easily sailed to the Final Four. Had Donyelle been partnered up with a lesser dancer, I don't think she make it as far as she did? Next week, The Bottom 2 Two survivors cannot be paired up, because Melissa & Ade have already been partners. If the pairing of the MOST popular to MOST popular continues, then Evan should be paired up with either Janette or Jeanine — both of whom are small! I'm thinking that Evan and Janette might be paired to dance a Smoking Hot Salsa! I think Evan could pull that better than Jason or Ade. Another MOST popular to MOST popular pairing may be: Brandon with Kayla or Jeanine — either could happen. Pairing LESS popular with LESS popular, I'm thinking that Melissa gets pair with Jason. Indeed, Jason has enjoyed a surge in popularity lately, still he's appeared in the Bottom 3 Three a few times before, so I'm thinking he's the next in line for elimination. Where will all the Kupono votes go? Do they go to Kayla, because that was Kupono's last partner? Where will all the Randi votes go? Do they go to Evan, Randi's long time partner? Or do they go to another girl in the competition? Ade is a STUD . . . I really thought he would NOT be in the Bottom 2 Two. But NOW that America know's Ade is on the Bubble, they may come to his support!? I know I'm going to. I may also send a few votes Evan's way. Here's how I see next week's pairings: Evan Kasprzak 24 % Janette Manrara 3 % Now if they try to keep the TOP Vote-getter paired up, maybe Kayla get partnered with Brandon, and Jeanine Mason partners with Ade? But for the sake of good chemistry, . . . it would work well for the two little guys, Evan & Brandon, to dance with the two smallest girls, Janette & Jeanine. Plus, Ade & Kayla would make a stunning partnership; they are both taller and the contrast of black Ade with white Kayla would be cool! Can SYTYCD pull the previous pairings out of a hat? We shall see! :o) Weekly SYTYCD Recaps from the Top Twenty Dancers to the Final Four: Intro 20 18 16 14 12 Top 10 8 6 Final 4
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