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Here are the weekly Recaps from the Top Twenty Dancers to the Final Four: Intro 20 18 16 14 Top 12 10 8 6 Final 4 Howdy Dance Fanatics: What special about tonight? All the couples dance TWICE: whoopeeeeee! TWICE is NICE! . . . Double is NOT Trouble! In this show we will see if the Judges/Producers will TRY to create a level playing field for all the Dancers. As you know, the Judges LOVE Kayla, . . . but America is not exactly in LOVE with her: She's been in the Bottom 3 Three a couple of times now. Kayla and Kupono are the couple most likely to be flushed — especially, in light of their tendency toward WEAK "dance for your life" solos. Along with Phillip and Jeanine, the only other couple who has appeared in the Bottom 3 Three is Jason and Caitlin; it is significant to note that they were NO Tin B-3-ville last week — a good trend for them. So, the couples on the B-3 Bubble are: Kayla & Kupono, Phillip & Jeanine, AND Caitlin & Jason. The REST of the couples have NEVER been in the Bottom 3 Three. Based upon popularity polls that I've looked at . . . Ade & Melissa have the lowest popularity numbers among the NON-Bottom 3 Three duos!
Should we make absolutely sure this couple lands in the Bottom 3 Three? Holy Train-Wreck Batman, that was U G L Y. Theoretically, I think the Producers thought that Phillip might be able to excel at Russian Folk Dancing: And the answer is . . . NOT! I feel really bad for Jeanine: she did the best she could with this often embarrassingly simplistic choreography — hop scotch anyone? This was like going to a piano competition and having a pianist play . . . Chop Sticks! Whew . . . very embarrassing! The first problem is that this really was "folk dancing" . . . and so it fits the bill that Nigel described: "It looked like something two young children" might do while playing in the park — RIGHT, that's folk dancing. What we needed here was a Bollywood-like approach to Russian Folk Dancing: It needs to be UP DATED, made fresh, with an interesting contemporary edge. But that didn't happen. So, what we got was pretty pathetic. Poor Jeanine did the very best she could with what was given her. I think it's safe to say that Russian Folk Dancing is NOT coming back to SYTYCD any time soon — at least, not from these two "traditional" choreographers. So, if Philip & Jeanine are tossed in the B-3-ville, who's gonna go? Honestly, I can't see Philip NOT making it through because of his fantastic solo ability, and Jeanine is such a beautiful dancer. The B-3 Winds are blowing in the direction of Kaylono & Caitlason (a.k.a., Kupon-la & Jas-lin).
Jason was quite stiff through out. It's easy to get confused about "stiffness" when the choreographers are telling you to hold up your Frame — which is what you must do . . . to do Foxtrot (or any other Ballroom Dance) right. But, then, you must relax in a Frame that is held up. Caitlin, on the other hand, was able to capture the soft lilt of the Foxtrot. She had beautiful arms and hands through out this piece; whereas, Jason was, again, stiff as a board. Can you say . . . Bottom 3 Three? I knew you could! This dance . . . for these dancers is pretty much the kiss of death. Imagine for a second if the Dance assignments were switched: Kayla & Kupono get this Foxtrot, and Caitlin & Jason get the Mia Michaels' piece? Advantage goes to the couple who does Mia Michaels' choreography. Nevertheless, I can see Kupono & Kayla doing this Foxtrot BETTER than Caitlin & Jason!
We finally found a dance that Melissa is NOT so good at: On the one hand, she is fabulous when she's flying in a lift, but her disco moves on the floor are lacking. Doriana has her doing the same boogie moves that previous SYTYCDancers have done. Compare Melissa's floor boogey ability to Janette this year: Janette wins that comparison. And also compare Melissa's floor work to a Dancer in in a previous season: Sabra. Still, Melissa is one of my favorites and as been fantastic is every other style she has tackled thus far — this Ballerina just needs a little more Funk in her Floor Boogey.
Had a few moments that were NOT synchronized. But this choreography was so intricate, that it's amazing that Randi & Evan were able to get 90% of the routine tight and together. The did a solid job as usual, and "as usual" the Judges continue to criticize Evan for NOT giving enough; AND "as usual" the Judges praise Randi. Some SYTYCD viewers still do not realize that the Team of Evan & Randi is very popular around the nation! To codify their front runner status, the Producers give them an advantage by doing Nappy Tab choreography — it's a good draw! Of course, we've previously established that NOTHING is drawn out of a hat, the Producers are manipulating everything; and I'm NOT complaining, they do it to accentuate the talents of their dancers, and this makes a better show. However, whenever they want to make a partnership LOOK Bottom-3-Worthy, they just "draw" a dance that is harder to bring out certain dancers BEST assets. Thus far, you can throw anything at the Top 3 Couples, and they can do it quite well. Brandon-Janette, Ade-Melissa, and Evan-Randi Consider Randi & Evan's Jive compared to the Train-wreck that Phillip and Jeanine danced?
I didn't really enjoy this Tango because it was choreographed according to the style and tradition of true Argentine Tango — which has the Man slumping over his partner, and looking DOWN towards the floor. Of course, "looking down" is a no no in American and International Style Ballroom. So, Janette & Brandon DID exactly what their choreographers gave them; which means, Brandon's role in dancing is completely toned down: he becomes a neutral backdrop upon which the colors of the woman is painted. These choreographers stayed true to their style, but they would have done better, if they could have given Brandon and Janette more LIFTS — because they can do them! Here's the choreographers, Leonardo & Miriam dancing the Argentine Tango: there are Tricks in this routine that they should have given Janette and Brandon. Out of a Hat . . . NOT in your wildest dreams: This couple get the Argentine Tango? Talk about custom made for Janette's Talents, and you know that Brandon can DANCE anything! And the version of "libertango" was NOT as exciting musically speaking, compared to the Libertango that Allison and Ivan danced to years ago — with the associated choreography NOT being as exciting either. Watch Allison and Ivan do one of SYTYCD's BEST Argentine Tangos!
So, how do you give Team Kaylono the best chance to NOT be eliminated? You give them some Mia Michaels choreography! Now, the plot thickens: The Judges give this piece high praise! Level playing field for all the Dancers . . . NOT! The Judges/Producers are bending over backwards to keep Kayla safe. On the other hand, if he does another pathetic "dance for your life" solo, I think the judges are prepared to kick Kupono to the Curb. Now we see what the Judges/Producers are UP TO. They want a direct comparison between what Kayla & Kupono have done AND Caitlin & Jason's Foxtrot routine. It looks like a set up for Jas-lin to land in the Bottom 3. The comparison is unfair: Mia Michaels' choreography with dancers doing their own style VERSUS two contestants dancing OUT OF their style.
From Worst to Wow!
We've already seen Randi & Evan Jive quite nicely; and this Jive pales in comparison. Jeanine held up her end of the partnership quite admirably, but Phillip did NOT capture the flavor of the Jive. People who DON'T know what the Jive is supposed to look like, may be swayed by the Judges comments. In this case, the Judge's "script" called for Phillip's Jive to be praised as "the best effort outside of his genre to date." If Phillip & Jeanine escape Bottom 3-dom, I'll be surprised. Both of their routines were at the bottom of the barrel for me.
To give Jason and Caitlin a fighting chance in this competition, they were given a style that fits squarely with their expertise! They danced it great, and the choreography was pretty great too. The problem is . . . at this point, I've ceased to care about this couple. Someone's got to go . . . and it will likely be them. Better said, I've come to enjoy watching other couples perform MORE than Caitlin and Jason. In comparison, I can see Ade & Melissa KILLING this choreography, and I can see Kayla & Kupono doing better in this routine as well. If this were performed at the first of the season, BEFORE anyone knew much about the dancers, I would give this performance a higher ranking!
Beautiful danced! Loved this piece, and loved the music too! No one does lifts as good as Melissa (Janette comes pretty close). Nice Job! It will be interesting to see if the expected Bottom 3 . . . are NOT the actual Bottom 3 . . . which couple will slip down? I think it could be Ade & Melissa.
In a continuing effort to get America to embrace Team Kaylono, this couple is given another winning choreographer: Joey Dowling does great work! And it's so nice to NOT see Tyce the Oreo doing the Broadway Choreography anymore — it seems that we've seen all his moves before? I liked this piece a lot! It was interesting and fun. Part of the intrigue is . . . that we (the audience) are seeing new moves, by a new choreographer. The freshness is appealing! So, given every choreographic advantage . . . and comments from the Judges like "you'll be moving on in this competition" . . . it will be VERY interesting to see if Kaylono can escape Bottom-3-dom? I just don't know if they can muster enough votes?
Pasha and Anya reached deep into their bag of tricks, and came up with a lot of exciting choreography. I thought Evan was good, and Randi was extraordinary! Most of the time in Ballroom dance, the Male Partner only needs to be Solid and mostly quiet: And the woman provides all the Flash and Excitement! So, in this regards, Evan was really good enough! However, the Judges continue to ask MORE of Evan, and he, in his good-natured way, nods his head and receives all the criticism that comes his way . . . gracefully. I think that may be what endears Evan to America. As the Judges continually put his down for "not giving enough," . . . America is taking an Underdog view of this, and coming to Evan's defense. In every Poll I've seen, Evan is the most popular Male Dancer! Further, all of the Blogs I read comment that the criticism heaped on Evan is unfair and "too much."
Very fun to watch. The choreography was creative and curious! The dancers danced it well. The choreography was NOT hard at all. Almost any other couple could have succeeded with this number! Evan & Randi, Ade & Melissa, Kupono & Kayla. Actually, some choreographers disadvantage the dancers, because their movement are so extremely hard to do — yet, the movement lack basic entertainment appeal for the viewing audience. On this regards, Wade Robson is brilliant. The dancers can quickly learn the choreography, and have plenty of time to polish it, and put personality into it! Whereas, the choreographers like Brian Freedman dump all sorts of bizarre/hard movements upon the dancers, and they spend ALL their time just learning how to contort their bodies in ways that . . . do NOT appeal with America, in the end — no bang for the practice buck! Out of a Hat . . . NOT in your wildest dreams AGAIN. Brandon & Janette benefit from performing in the coveted "Pimp Spot," PLUS, they get to do choreography from the King: Wade Robson. It's a winning combination for a couple that can HIT IT OUT OF THE PARK even without all the advantages! SYTYCD Producer are absolutely grooming this couple for the Final Four — and they will likely get their wish! This couple really IS fantastic! It will be interesting to see, however, if Brandon suffers from the same fake as Danny in Season 3 — a guy who was massively talented compared to the other guys, but America did not really receive him . . . personality wise. Danny was in the Final Two, and underdog Sabra Johnson was given the title of "America's Favorite Dancer." Sabra was an underdog, because she was truly an amateur coming from rags to riches (starting her dancing only 4 years previous). On this note, I can see Janette, the Salsa girl, being more popular than Brandon — the man with massive dance talents.
Predictions: So who will be the bottom three couples? And who should be in the bottom three? This week . . . the couples are likely to be the SAME as to "will" and "should." 1) Kayla & Kupono — unless the Judges/Producer's PR campaign is able to influence The KEY FACTOR: Whether Kayla and Kupono are able to hire a choreographer to put together about 20 seconds for them. It will be VERY hard for Kayla to be saved if she doesn't come up with something GREAT in the "Dance for your life" solos. Consider the fact that Jeanine already has the vote of Nigel and Mary . . . they've both said that Jeanine must continue in this competition. So the Girl to Go will either be Kayla, if her solo is BAD, or Caitlin . . . if Kayla's Solo is good enough for the Judges to sell some propaganda. Same is true for Kupono: If his solo is BAD . . . then he's gone. If his solo is good, then I think Jason will be kicked to the curb. I don't see how they can eliminate Philip — he is sure to do something absolutely dazzling in his solo. I'm guessing Caitlin goes, because the Judges will find a way to "justify" saving Kayla. And it's a toss up between Jason and Kupono — which ever one does not give a fantastic "dance for your life" solo. Now, if both Kupono and Jason deliver breath-taking solos, . . . there is a possibility that the Judges will eliminate Philip? The precedent happened in Season 3, when Hok Konishi was eliminated in the Top 12 Show, . . . but then, because he was so FANTASTIC at his street dancing, Hok was invited to participate in the Top 10 Tour! The same could happen for Phillip, who like Hok, danced his only style fantastically, but out of his style, was obviously inadequate!
Results Show: A couple of good FAKE OUTS in this results show: First two couples out: Caitlin & Jason AND Brandon & Janette. Come on, who really thinks that Brandon & Janette are not totally safe after delivery two fabulous performances last night — plus they've been consistently fantastic week in and week out. Bottom 3: Caitlin & Jason Second pair of couples out: Randi & Evan AND Phillip & Jeanine. You imagine that Phillip is popular because he is so unique in his style — but just how many "street-dance" lovers are watching this show? Anyway, this was one of the good FAKE OUTS! Cat Deeley says: "So who is going to be the next couple in our Bottom Three?" . . . . (pause) . . . . "Randi and Evan" . . . . . . . . . . "it's not you!" Good one! Anyway, as I predicted above, Phillip & Jeanine really deserved Bottom-3-dom this week. Bottom 3: Phillip & Jeanine Last pair of couple out: Ade & Melissa AND Kupono & Kayla. Wow, this one could go either way. As predicted, Ade & Melissa are the least popular among the couple who have NOT yet been in the Bottom 3 . . . and Kayla & Kupono have been there before. BUT the plot thickens, was the Judges/Producer's PR campaign to save Kayla & Kupono effective? Remember K&K benefited from the BEST choreographers, and High praise from the Judges. Mary Murphy says "You're still on the train" (meaning, the Hot Tamalee Train). Yes, the PR Campaigne worked, and the last couple in the Bottom 3: Ade & Melissa Whatever direction the Judges/Producers go in who goes home, they typcially give some logical reason why they choose this way or that. So, you here them kind of change the rules right before our eyes. In previos weeks they made it seem like the "dance for your life" solos were the MAIN criteria for who stays and who goes. Truth is, the solos are USED as a convenient criteria . . . when it fits their pre-conceived agenda. Nigel openly told everyone that they looked at the Polling numbers this morning, and the Judges already have made up their mind as to who they want to keep. Further, he said that they make this decision based upon the FULL BODY OF WORK. Ah hah! So, that means they will be down playing the value of the "dance for your life" solos, a bit. As predicted: Caitlin goes among the girls. Jeanine & Melissa are two very solid dancers, and the Judges choose to keep them in the competition. With Kupono out of the mix, I was thinking that Jason might go? This because I THOUGHT that the "dance for your life" solo was the main criteria for elimination; hence, Phillip is NOT going to fail in that category. Yet, as I've been noticing and pointing out all season: Phillip is WEAK outside of his genre. And as I've also pointed out, and predicted, The Judges/Producers would find a way of getting Phillip on the Top 10 Tour: Phillip is eliminated on the basis of his whole body of work, and NOT just his fantastic popping! Personally, I'm happy that the Judges came down this way! It eliminates the possibility of what happened last year: Twitch was WEAK outside of his genre too, yet, because he made it into the Top 10, and elimination was handed over to America, . . . America keep voting Twitch right up to the final Two. America's Favorite Dancer . . . it's an appropriate title. This means the person who wins is NOT necessarily . . . America's BEST Dancer. It becomes a popularity contest from here on out . . . with dancing skill taking a secondary role (but still and important role). Anyway, the Judges/Producers, in the end, went with the OVERALL best dancer, Jason, instead of the more spectacular, but narrow, dancer, Phillip! The Judges got it right. And this year, I learned a little bit MORE how the Judges/Producers think! :o) Weekly SYTYCD Recaps from the Top Twenty Dancers to the Final Four: Intro 20 18 16 14 Top 12 10 8 6 Final 4
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