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Here are Dr Matt's Responses to Shawn McCraney's Version of Biblical Christianity:
The following False Witness comes from the August 15 Heart Of The Matter program. Shawn McCraney says: "Watch as non-Christian faiths, like Mormonism, continue to successfully integrate itself into the Christian Body, because they . . . (with intent to mock) they have such good standards, and because they represent such sound family values, . . . blehch!" "What can be done? What can stop the Body of Christ from becoming the body of Frankenstein? First, the Body must stop trying to save the world with social reform but, must instead, return to what we are supposed to do: share, teach, enlighten, and exemplify Jesus." Why this is a False Witness? Standing Up A Straw Man. Shawn uses the Straw-Man propaganda tactic on consistent basis: He misrepresents the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and then he criticizes/knocks down the feeble Straw-Man-Representation that he just stood up. The Church that Shawn McCraney takes pot-shots at, week in and week out, is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. By labeling his target-of-criticism "Mormonism," he can more conveniently make his point -- "you see, Mormons are not Christians, for they worship . . . Mormon — that's why the faith is called Mormonism." No, the Faith in which Latter-Day Saints believe is NOT called "Mormonism" by the Mormons themselves. This is the name that anti-Mormons give it. And by doing so, they stand up a Straw Man, ready to be knocked down more easy — due to the feeble, inaccurate representation. Standing up a Straw Man is a dishonest tactic. If Shawn would be "Christian," he would speak in a "charitable" manner — the Charity that "is kind" and "seeketh not her own." Shawn would show forth the fruits of Christian Charity by being honest and fair when he represents the name and beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Giving a representation with accuracy sufficient, that a faithful Latter-Day Saints would whole-heartedly agree with the representation. Because Latter-day Saints actually do strive to be charitable in their dealings with their fellow beings, the Leaders of the Church have expressly counseled against the dishonest practice of "standing up a straw man." Latter-day Saints worship the Lord Jesus Christ, and . . . coincidently, the name of the Church of which so-called "Mormons" are members is . . . The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. More Irony: Shawn tell us how the Body of Christ must avoid becoming the Body of Frankenstein: "the Body must stop trying to save the world with social reform but, must instead, return to what we are supposed to do: share, teach, enlighten, and exemplify Jesus." I've been attending "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints," for more than five decades. My experience, and objective observation, can verify that "share, teach, enlighten, and exemplify Jesus" is what happen every Sunday in "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." Further, this is what happens in the individual homes of the most faithful Latter-day Saints, Monday through Saturday. Here is part of the covenant that Latter-day Saints make when they were baptized: "to stand as witnesses of God at all times Here is the covenant that Latter-Day Saints make every week as they reflect upon the suffering of their Savior, by following the example set by Jesus at the last supper: "O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this bread to the souls of all those who partake of it, that they may eat in remembrance of the body of thy Son, and witness unto thee, . . . that they are willing to take upon them the name of thy Son, and always remember him" "to bless and sanctify this wine to the souls of all those who drink of it, that they may do it in remembrance of the blood of thy Son, which was shed for them; that they may witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they do always remember him" Ironically, Shawn makes this very point, by contradicting himself: Though his intent was to mock, the statements he made, were made, because this is what Latter-day Saints are known for: "[Latter-Day Saints]" have such good standards, and because they represent such sound family values." You might say that Latter-Day Saints "share, teach, enlighten, and exemplify Jesus"—indeed, they do. Which is precisely the remedy Shawn suggests for keeping the Body of Christ from turning into the body of Frankenstein. False Witness of the Week Here are Dr Matt's Responses to Shawn McCraney's Version of Biblical Christianity:
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