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Want More Info? So You Think You Can Dance — Season 5 Five Dancing with The Stars Season Seven The Difference between Facts and Truth Why You Can't Keep Being Clueless, a.k.a. A Better Premise for Free Phone Consultation Free Email Advice 7 Habits of Highly For those who have Suffered Extreme Abuse Default Duet: Deceived What Love Looks Like:
So You Think You Can Dance Here are the weekly Recaps from the Top Twenty Dancers to the Final Four: Top 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 Final 4 Hi Dance Fans! So, here we are at the final four! Whoopeee! It's kind of a let down for me. The process of getting here is so much more exciter—the journey was way funner! Finally, a few thousand people managed to find the SYTYCD AOL Poll, we've got pretty big numbers that may indicate a national trend. I wanted to root for the underdog, "Courtney," but as I watched her dance side by side with Katee, I just liked what was coming from Katee more: Katee gets my vote for the top spot, and it looks like she's got the AOL Poll vote too: 1) Katee 5344 35% Here is the Final 4 Intros and my Less to Best Rankings for Final Week: Dr Matt's Red-Hot Review of SYTYCD Aug. 6, 2008—Final Four Review Dr Matt's Apology: Sorry about all the DEAD hyperlinks; Dick Clark Productions decided to exercise their copyrite privilege, and thus, crush our fun! Less to Best Solos: YouTube View totals (000) 72 hours after the solos ** 4 - Courtney (4400) ** At this point all the dancers have done well—nobody fell on their face! So blatant subjectivity is the order of the evening. 3 - Katee (6415) 2 - Joshua (5225) 1 - Twitch (6150) You've got to know that Twitch is very invested in winning this gig! And his preparation shows it—and so does his hyperventilating during elimination announcements. Did anybody notice that the music Twitch used was by Wade Robson?
Less to Best Duets: 7 - Katee-shua and Twitch-ourtney — Contemporary Group (000) I have one thing to say about this number: What's up with the Scottish Kilts. The thrill is gone, I don't care about this routine. Bring on Michael Flatly if you're going to do a highland fling, otherwise—I DON'T CARE for Kilt-dancing, sorry. And the music . . . all I can say is that the Vitamin String Quartet needed more "vitamins" on the day they recorded this loser! I even watched this train-wreck again (can you say video torture?) . . . yup, it was BAD the second time too! 6 - Twitch and Katee — Foxtrot (000) I was totally shocked that "the Show" decided to give Twitch a dance that he could "hang himself with" (to use a wild west metaphor). All the Twitch fan will NOT see what I saw. The Butcher of Ballroom Dance has soooooooooooo much to learn about "lowering" and exploding with power across the floor. He just clomps along like a Clydesdale—Klomp klomp, klomp! Twitch lower body technique and footwork needs a lot of work. This dance actually had MORE appeal for me, compared to the Jive. But I'm going to apply the "what-if-the-dance-styles-were-switched" criteria, and KNOW that Twitch would have spewed chunks if he had to do the Jive. 5 - Courtney and Joshua — Jive (000) This Jive was the worst of the season. It really wasn't very "Jivey"—it was more of a Triple Swing. I think the choreographer may have toned down the difficulty so Joshua could handle it. Courtney has done Jive before, and so she could have killed the harder choreography. Did anyone notice that the choreography was dumbed down? Or maybe I'm expecting a Tony-Meredeth-Like Jive to come out of the choreographer from down under? Anyway the choreography was a disappointment for me. 4 - Katee and Courtney — Broadway (000) Umbrella . . . how cute! Cute enough for my number 3 ranking, which means . . . it wasn't that cute! Of course it was danced well, but WHO CARES . . . we're talking about two girls with umbrellas doing a couple stag leaps and a barrel roll—whooppeee! Don't Care! But still, because this dance was Twitch-less, I'm giving it a higher rank! (Any dance that is Twitch-less automatically has better full-body dancing technique. Again, Twitch dances his upper body very well, but his frog-legs have a lot of training to do, along with his clomping Clydesdale feet). 3 - Courtney and Twitch — Hip Hop (000) Great dancing, interesting choreography, but no chemistry coming from Twitch-ourtney. Give me a Twitchington version of this dance any day, and then I will CARE. It might even be something I'd like to see on tour! But the Twitch-ourtney version . . . I don't care! 2 - Joshua and Twitch — Trepak (000) I'm giving the testosterone duet a higher rank for one reason: The Olympics. Yes, the Olympics are around the corner, and I think this dance was at least a good pre-Olympic workout. Run faster, Jump higher, Be stronger . . . that's what I'm talking about. And how about Joshua's triple tour (puh-leeze!). I'm thinking Joshua out-danced Twitch in this one. While Twitch was doing tricks, Joshua was dancing. 1 - Katee and Joshua — Lyrical Jazz (000) Great Chemisty and Great Choreography; I always love what Wade Robson creates on the dance floor. Katee-shua has such an advantage over Twitch-ourtney: Twitch NEEDS Kharington to generate his best chemistry, and Courtney needs Gev . . . to make me CARE at all. * * * * * * * How anyone danced tonight will most likely NOT make much difference in the final voting. The "hay is in the barn" so to speak. America would have delivered the same vote if NONE of tonight's dances were performed or viewed. But here's my scoring (solo rank is first, with the rank of couple performances thereafter). 4 - Courtney 4 + 4 + 5 = 13 Predictions: Watching Twitch dance side-by-side with Joshua, I give Twitch the edge on tonight's performances. Twitch brings more polish, compared to Joshua who delivers raw athleticism. And having the benefit of the side-by side comparison, I give Katee a slight nod over Courtney, for tonight. Again, I don't think anything that happened tonight will change the minds of the majority of fans. Even though I give Twitch higher marks for his dancing tonight, over the course of the whole season, I believe Joshua has been stronger? What OUGHT TO Happen. Based upon the dancing throughout the season, I think the girls deserve a higher evaluation over the guys. Which is a total turn-about from my "Hamburger and Fries" over "Fine Dining" ranking of the solo performances. Dr Matt's Prediction of America's Favorite Dancer: Courtney 3rd runner up If she is able to win, what an amazing turn around for the girl who was almost CUT from the Top 20 selection in Las Vegas—because of her "I wouldn't try again next season" comment! * * * * * * * Dr Matt's Final Four Results Show August 7, 2008: Now that's what I'm talking about: Bring back ALL the Guys and Girls of Season 4 . . . now I can CARE again. This Top 20 Group Routine choreographed by Shane Sparks was Volcano-Eruption Hot! To celebrate Season 4, the Judges each chose their favorite routines. The Rank that shows is the rank I gave the performance during the season: Katee and Joshua — Bollywood (472800) I ranked this routine 3rd on Top 12 night This piece is getting a lot of "views" at YouTube. First Elimination Announcement: 3nd runner up . . . Courtney! Makes sense, for the number of times she dwelt in Bottom-Dom. Gev and Courtney G. -- Rumba (000) Previously ranked 3rd on Top 16 night Gev-ourtney dance well in their encore rumba routine, but compare this SYTYCD Rumba to a smokin' hot performance by a top amateur couple from Russia, Denis Kuznetsov & Maria Tzaptashvili. (<----- this is a Click-Able Hyperlink!) *** Chebeeb versus Muraine: Heavy Weight Popping Championship of the World. For a pop-off, the routine was a little anti-climactic. That’s what "the Show" gets for hyping it up so much. The competition seemed contrived: which it was! And then asking the Jeedges who won the pop-off . . . just added to the contrived-ness. Still some red-hot popping in spots. Twitch and Comfort — Hip Hop (000) Ranked 6th on Top 10 night Great routine by the King and Queen of Hip Hop. I didn't like this number earlier in the season, because the Twitch-omfort team has no believable chemistry for me. Chelsie Hightower and Mark -- Hip Hop (750000) Ranked 1st on Top 16 night This routine and Joshua and Katee's "No Air" number are the two top routines of the season—based upon YouTube views. *** Dmetri & Mary Murphy: One thing Mary Murphy can claim that Simon Cowell can't: Katee and Will — Pas de Deux (000) Previously ranked 1st on Top 10 night Katee and Will were able to smoothly do the part of the choreography that they goofed on previously. —with no glitches this time. Beautifully choreographed and beautifully danced, with the additional synergy of beautiful music: It's great to hear David Archuleta's "Imagine" Mark and Courtney — Jazz (000) Ranked 3rd on Top 6 night Sonja from the land of Mohawkia has been getting rave reviews from dancers and fellow choreographers. First Elimination Annoucement: 3nd runner up . . . Courtney! *** Group Encore: Top 5 Guys: 5 guys named Moe! This piece was choreographed by Nigel Lythgoe *** Performance Cirqu De Soliel: Eulogy to all the dead rabbits abused by magicians. Second Elimination Annoucement: 2nd runner up . . . Katee! Right before the announcement Twitch has a look on his face like he's taking this competition WAAAAAAAAAAY too seriously. Like I say "he needs a slice of humble pie," and now that he's Top 2, he's definitely NOT getting it! *** Nigel Lythgoe and the Debbie Allen Dance Academy: One thing Nigel Lythgoe can claim that Simon Cowell can't, he CAN DO what he is critiquing. Nigel is a pretty good tapper! Katee and Twitch — Contemporary (000) Ranked 2nd on Top 8 night The infamous "door" routine! Fabulastic creative choreography by Mia Michaels. Twitch and Kherington -- Viennese Waltz (000) 2nd on Top 18 night This is Twitch's favorite routine of the season. He's still under the delusion that he actually danced the "Viennese Waltz." Just watch it: It's totally more like a Contemporary routine. Katee and Joshua -- Hip Hop (647000) 1st on Top 20 night This routine, along with Mark-elsie's "Bleeding Love" number were the top two most-viewed routines at YouTube. This is a great compliement to Napoleon and Tabitha's fantastic lyrical Hip Hop choreography. *** The Mother of all SYTYCD Group Routines (<----- this is a Click-Able Hyperlink!): featuring Benji, Lacey, Lauren, Allison, Travis, Dominic, Dmetry, . . . . WOW this was the BEST! Dr Matt's Apology: Again, sorry about all the DEAD hyperlinks; Dick Clark Productions decided to exercise their copyrite privilege, and thus, crush our fun! Now it's down to either Joshua or Twitch. It's just GOT to be Joshua or life is NOT fair! Cat Deeley annouces the fact that in all of SYTYCD history a "street dancer" as NEVER made it to the finale. (Gee, I wonder why? Because they couldn't dance the other styles decently?). This year Joshua's versitility was respectable and Twitch versitility was lacking; that's WHY Joshua deserves the title of "America's Favorite Dancer." But wait a minute, that title says "favorite" not BEST or most VERSITILE, so . . . really America could have temporary insanity and vote in the Butcher of Ballroom Dance: Twitch. (I've got my DVR on pause . . . now it's time to find out?) Twitch is completely hyperventilating over this moment, come on fella . . . buck up, show some guts, . . . be a man about it! Twitch is acting like this is the Miss America Pageant. (Pre-annoucement Suspence!) . . . . . . Joshua IS America's Favorite Dancer! LIFE IS FAIR . . . the earth is round . . . the universe has aligned into perfect balance. America totally got it right! (of course, anyone winning BUT Twitch would have kept the universe in perfect balance). See Ya on the NEXT fascinating Song & Dance Reality TV Show, coz I will be there reviewing it! :o)
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