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How To Dance:
Latin Hustle 
West Coast Swing 

See a Fantastic Example of Sharp
Precision and Control,
from the Lightning-Quick Queen of Speed: Joanna Leunis

Dr Matt's Dance Class — Foxtrot Week Three

Here are the notes for each week's Foxtrot Lessons:
1    2     3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12    pics

Hola Everyone:

We were reminded last night that Asteroids cannot move independent of the influence of an Out Side Force. Applying the metaphor, this means that a Woman need NOT anticipate changes of directions and turns—the energy to change directions and momentum will come from the Man's Lead.

It is quite typical for Ladies to anticipate and second guess what is going to happen next—instead, Ladies need to clear their mind, keep the rhythm and simply flow with Energy-Lead coming from the Man.

When dancing with someone who knows how to lead, a Lady does not need to anticipate. And when a change of direction occurs, for example, a subtle accordian action results where the Lady's body movement delays slightly in making each change of direction.

Such changes require momentary physical tone; afterwhich the body returns to a relaxed state within a beautiful form/frame.

The foundation of great Ballroom Dancing comes from Men being able to Lead; thus, the Men need to step up their game and get good at sending the right signals to their partners—through their hands and their frame. It takes a lot of practice, so hopefully ALL the guys will take the opportunity to do some Asteroid Influencing at a dance this weekend.

If you don't use it . . . you'll lose it!

Men, when you've arrived at where you need to be, you will be able to dance with a total stranger (somewhat coordinated & with a sense of rhythm), and guide her movement into all the steps we've been practicing:

     * Rock-Prominade Turn
     * Rock-Prominade Turn with Arch
     * Rock-Turn to Throw Out (from Closed Position to Left - Right Contact)
     * Rock-Turn to Left Side Pass (from Left - Right Contact)
     * Rock-Step to Underarm Turn or Loop (from Left - Right Contact)
     * Rock-Turn to Grapevine
     * Grapevine to Hesitation
     * Grapevine to Chasse'

            Next Week we will be learning:
       *  Promenade Walks to 4-Count Pivot
       *  Rock-Turn to Flip Flip
       *  Rock-Turn to Flip Flip to 4-Count Pivot
       *  Rock-Turn to Flip Flip to 4-Count Pivot to Grapevine

You don't need to remember all these step through the learning stages, because I will prompt you through my Magical Microphone.

Leading the Hesitation and the Chasse:

To LEAD the Hesitation OR the Chasse, the Man will get perfectly parallel to his partner—moving her in closer so she cannot cross her left foot to continue a crossing step (assuming a prior grapevine).

To LEAD the Hesitation, the Man sends a signal to his partner through body sway and hip movement. In the case of the Hesitation, the Man with LEAD with is Left HIP, moving the Hip over his Left Foot, while the upper body sways opposite, to the Right. In contrast:

To LEAD the Chasse, the Man sends a signal to his partner through Body Sway and Hip Movement that is opposite compared to the Hesitation). In the case of the Chasse, the Man will DELAY moving his Hips to the Left, and will instead lead with Left Body Sway, as he steps sideward Left Foot with an inside edge of his Left foot and a bend Left Knee. The Hips remain to the Right and settled over the Right Foot--but move to the Left one musical count later.

The Hip Action of this Chasse is the same as in the Meringue or Rumba--it is called Cuban Motion (or Latin Motion). Here's Tony Meredith and Melanie LaPatin explaining Cuban Motion--they are choreographers for this summer's most watched TV show: So You Think You Can Dance.

By the way, here's Melanie LaPatin when she was in top form, competing and performing with her husband Tony Meredith—their first dance is a Mambo. She and Tony have come to BYU many times to perform and be competition Judges. Their second dance is a West Coast Swing (starting at 3.40)—their style is typical of the way West Coast Swing is taught at BYU.

Here's another short explanation of Cuban Motion by Tony and Melanie. They explain this Hip Motion technique by bending and straightening your legs—this approach is complementary to the footwork I've previously suggested: placing inside edge of your foot to the side, and then rolling your hip over that foot, one musical count later.

This is Advanced Technique. But you will all be able to GET IT eventually over the next few months. We can either aim for a Mud Puddle and Hit it, or we can Aim for the Sun and even if we come up short, we will at least Hit the Moon—and that's better than aiming for a lowly Mud Puddle.


Notes for Dr Matt's Ballroom Dance Class — Week Four

Hey Dance Fans, . . . have you read my review of the
most-watched television show of the summer,

So You Think You Can Dance ?


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