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Flaming Hot International Style Tango by Mirko & Alessia

Dr Matt's Dance Class — Foxtrot Week Twelve

Here are the notes for each week's Foxtrot Lessons:
1     2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12   pics

Greetings Everyone:

It's been 3 months since we began learning Ballroom Dance, and we've come a long way!

This is the last installment of Class Notes for the Walk Rhythm Foxtrot. It's time to move on to a new dance. We will reinforce the Foxtrot every week at the beginning of class, by dancing through the routines a few times with different partners.

If you come ON TIME at 7:00 pm, then you will be able to practice the Foxtrot Choreography.

Foxtrot Choreography is Complete

It's good we scrapped the "Man's Walk Under" from the Foxtrot Choreography. It would have taken TOO MUCH time to get it learned and polished. But, you still have a general idea of how to do it, and can practice it on your own:

It happens immediately after a Rock - Left Side Pass:

The Man arches himself under, Turning Right on his Right Foot), follow by a Sling Shot
which is a Rock - Left Side Pass, but with Left - Right Contact, instead of Closed Position

Here's the final version of the Foxtrot Choreography (until I change it again):

Diagonal Center = Walk - 4 ct., **Weave - 6 ct.
Diagonal Wall = Walk - 4 ct., Weave - 6 ct.
Forward Against LOD = Walk - 4 ct., Rock Turn to Flip Flop x 4 (LOD)
       360 Guy Flip, 360 Girl Flop, 180 to Closed (Lady steps Outside Partner)
Backing LOD = Open Impetus Turn - 3 ct. (Guys Heel Turn),
Diagonal Center = Grapevine - 5 ct., Pivot - 6 ct.,
Diagonal Wall = Grapevine - 8 ct., Hesitation - 8 ct. (Turn Right - New LOD)

Line Of Dance = Zig Zag x 5,
Diagonal Center = Open Telemark - 3 ct. (Girls Heel Turn),
Line Of Dance = Promenade Cross to Closed Pos., Rock Turn - Throw Out:
Against LOD = Walk - 4 ct., Rock to UnderArm Turn,
Line Of Dance = Walk - 4 ct., Rock to Closed Pos., Pivot - 6 ct., (New LOD),

Diagonal Center = Promenade Cross to Closed Position,
       Walk - 4 ct., **Weave 6 ct. — Repeat Choreography

Pay attention to the Direction that you dance each step. Again, Diagonal Center and Diagonal Wall are 45 degree angles from LOD (they move: North-West, South-West, North-East, and South-East). Whereas, Line of Dance, Against LOD, Wall, & Center are perfect North, South, East, and West moving directions.

One of the reason WHY everyone completely FORGOT the Telemark this week, is because I didn't send out Class Notes last week. So, you see the value of MENTAL REVIEW.

Remember that the Open Telemark requires being close to your partner, just like the Pivots. With THAT in your mind, take a look once again at 9 Time Dancesport World Champions Marcus and Karen Hilton dancing an Open Telemark at 0:22 seconds and Closed Telemark at 0:33 seconds.

The Hilton's Open Telemark enters Diagonal Center, and exits Diagonal Wall. In our Choreography, we are entering Diagonal Center and exiting LOD, which is 45 degrees MORE turn than the Hilton's are doing.

Happy Dancing!

Hey Dance Fans, read my review of the
Dancing with the Stars
Season Seven


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