Meet Dr Matt ! |
Greetings . . . Let me tell you a little bit about myself: My experience with people has taught me that each person has special gifts to share with humanity. My talents and personal characteristics include:
I come from a very musical family: seventh child of seven children. I play the piano and guitar. In ancient history, I played the saxophone in the high school band. I love to sing and am not shy about singing solos. I been the Choir Director at my Church for more than a decade. I've taught Ballroom Dancing at BYU and for many years have taught a weekly Ballroom Dance Class. Because I love ballroom dance so much, most every weekend I go dancing for fun! I enjoy watching the television shows: "Dancing with the Stars" and "So You Think You Can Dance" — I've written Reviews of SYTYCD. Lately, I'm very involved in doing genealogy. In addition to counseling, I also teach people via telephone How To Do Family History Research Online. In a previous life, I designed and built homes — pounding nails, pulling wire, soldering copper pipes, taping sheetrock, texturing ceilings, shingling roofs and more. I have three sons that have graduated from High School and are all avid and accomplished distance runners at the collegiate level: I got them "into" running, when I signed them up for a 5K Road Race one weekend; I've run dozens of 5K & 10K road races through the years, and even a couple of 26.2 mile marathons — I have the T-shirts to prove it. My oldest son served a two-year Church mission in Moscow, Russia. My second son served a mission in Louisiana; he lived just a few miles south of the famed french quarter in New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina hit — he evacuated safely to Baton Rouge. My youngest son preached the Good News of Jesus Christ on his 2-year mission in Florida — his assignments included Cocoa Beach and Merritt Island (where the Kennedy Space Center is). My closest friends tell me that I'm easy going and friendly. I'm a good communicator with a quick wit. I am dependable, I keep commitments; you can count on me to absolutely follow through with my word. I prefer a simple, uncomplicated approach to life. An unfrenzied easy pace where one can savor and smell the roses along the way. I earned a Ph.D. in Social Psychology & Family Sociology from Brigham Young University. I hold an M.Ed. Degree in Instructional Methods and Curriculum Design, and a B.S. in Sociology. I am also a Certified Hypnotherapist. In my doctoral program, I conducted a ground-breaking study on Self-Esteem where I successfully differentiated two types of people—arrogant and empathic—both of whom scored High in measures of Self-esteem. Conclusion: Not all High Self-esteem is good Self-esteem. To describe the egocentric variety of High Self-Esteem, I coined the term"Selfish-Esteem." Read about my Doctoral Dissertation. Come visit Dr Matt at Facebook! Dr Matt writes a Blog about Jesus Christ! |
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Agendas to push, reputations to prove always on the go . . . busy, hurried, harried. There is another way to live, there can be calm and flowing ease where layers of complexity peel away, . . . the pace relaxes. For there is no other place to be but . . . Here and no other time to live but . . . Now. There is nothing more important than savoring the moment with the ones we love. Simple Living means being honest and straight-forward with others. Here's a Key to Living Simply . . . and Living Lovingly. |
How to Submit Names for LDS Temple Ordinances | |||