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Welcome to CallDrMatt.com

Social Psychologist & Personal Advisor

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Helping you . . . Is What I Do !

I offer telephone counseling services at affordable prices: helping you make it through Life's many challenges, enhancing you personal growth, and your enriching relationships.

I bring to each consultation insights that I have gleaned many years of helping people, and even more years of experience (my body-age is over 50). I bring a mature perspective to your challenges: I have likely experienced problems similar to the ones you're going throughI've been divorced, raised teenagers and step-children.

Dr Matt's Counseling Services Include:

          * Relationship Conflict
          * Anger Management
          * Divorce Recovery
          * Relieving Stress
          * Parenting Issues
          * Dealing With Loss
          * Kicking Bad Habits
          * Same-Sex Attraction
          * Marriage Enrichment
          * Clear Communications
          * Overcoming Addictions
          * Problem with Pornography
          * Cause and Cure of Narcissism
          * Coping with Controlling Spouse

Not All Telephone Counseling is created equal! .

       My affordable and convenient service is effective for three reasons:

1.   I have the knowledge and experience necessary to answer almost any quandary
       or quagmire. I've been helping people find solutions for more than 15 years.

2.  I don't offer the same ideas or intervention as you get from a typical therapist,
       psychologist, or psychiatrist — What I offer actually works! I teach
       powerful principles that bring about the only change that matters:

The only change that matters is a change of heart,
every other change alters us cosmetically but not fundamentally,
modifies how we appear, what we do or what we say,
but does not change who we are
- C. Terry Warner.

3.  I use a unique resource, "Changing Your Stripes," a book specifically written
       to supplement private telephone counseling.
It contains every idea and principle
       that will solve your situation. It offers an intelligent explanation of:

        * The Animal that You Are:   your SELF,
* The Zoo You Live In:   your SITUATION, and the principles for
* Recovering the True You:   SOLUTIONS.

Principles detailed in Changing Your Stripes will be a reinforcing anchor to ideas we discuss in our phone counseling sessions. And when each session ends, I continue talking to you through the book, as you read the pertinent parts I will point out.

When Changing Your Stripes is studied conscientiously, telephone consultations will be more effective than "face to face" intervention. Here's more good news: My fees are less than the cost of traditional therapy, while the healing & help are greater.

Do the math: Get more, pay less. You can't beat that!

How to Begin?

You can begin finding satisfying solutions to your pressing problems:

       *   Schedule a Free Phone Consultation
       *   Buy a copy of Changing Your Stripes 

The exciting thing is that my services are just a phone call away. You can have your pressing needs met in the time it takes traveling to and from an average appointment. I help you work through your issues in the privacy of your home or office — or anywhere you happen to be on the road.

Comfortable and Competent . . .

For counseling to be effective, you need to feel comfortable with who I am. If you will trust me to help you, you must feel assured that I am competent.

You can discern whether I am the best person to help you by simply getting in touch with your own intuitions as you read the info at this website — it will feel right. Also, you can test whether I am right for you by scheduling a Complimentary Consultation.

Any Questions?

Come visit Dr Matt at Facebook!
 Talk to Dr Matt!
 Complimentary Consultation
When you buy
 Changing Your Stripes 

Sold Exclusively
through this website

Changing Your Stripes is a
unique reference book that will help
you understand, . . .
and solve all of
Life's ever-appearing problems.
Here are more reasons to buy

Changing Your Stripes

Social Psychologist & Personal Advisor

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