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Causes and Cures from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Exploring the Spiritual Roots of OCD by Matt Moody, Ph.D. What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder? Here's a Definition compliments of the Mayo Clinic: |
"Obsessive-compulsive disorder often centers around themes, such as a fear of getting contaminated by germs. To ease your contamination fears, you may compulsively wash your hands until they're sore and chapped. Despite your efforts, thoughts of obsessive-compulsive behavior keep coming back. This leads to more ritualistic behavior, and a vicious cycle that's characteristic of obsessive-compulsive disorder." What follows will focus upon the Causes and Cures for so-called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I say "so-called" because embedded within its scientific definition is an implication that OCD is condition you HAVE or that you GET, like you GET the Flu or your HAVE Malaria. But instead of a bug or a virus causing OCD, it is assumed that something is disordered in your brain, and that you HAVE this bad-brain condition by no fault of your own. |
In other words, traditional thinking surrounding "OCD" assumes that life choices play no role in the OCD-Condition appearing or departing -- the Condition is assumed to be the result of Bad Biology or Bad Upbringing. In this article, I summarize traditional scientific conclusions about possible Causes and Cures of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. But first, patterns of obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors are explained from a perspective that most can Americans identify with: Belief in God. Polls indicate that 90% of Americans "Believe in God." Let's assume that there is a God and that God has revealed his will and wisdom in the Bible. From this assumption, let's consider how patterns of obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors might be explained assuming that the Bible contains God's word. Instead of assuming that OCD happens because of chemical imbalance in the brain, I suggest that obsessive-compulsive patterns appears for spiritual reasons; in fact, OCD symptoms appear and disappear, depending upon the quality of our spiritual lives. Jesus offered these words of solace to those who are burdened by life's many challenges: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Jesus has promised "rest" for those who will come to Him, and learn of Him. "Rest" is an emotional state opposite from the overwhelming anxiety of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. |
At this point, a distinction must be made between physical ailments versus emotional and mental ailments. While you may feel spiritual "rest" by casting your burden upon Christ (Psalm 55:22), you may also need to take insulin if you have diabetes. Remember, "rest" is the opposite of anxiety, but is not the opposite of high blood sugar and insulin deficiency. When it comes to mental and emotional ailments, the promises of the Bible directly apply. For example, the Apostle Paul identified "fruit" enjoyed by those who "Walk in the Spirit." But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, gentleness, |
Burning Question: Is is possible for a person to be filled with the "peace" of the Spirit, and at the same time, be tormented by obsessive thoughts? This passage promises that God will be faithful to "make a way to escape" temptation that is common to man. The Bible teaches that temptation is initiated by the powers of darkness. The Apostle writes: Wresting with the powers of darkness happens more than we might imagine; in fact, I would guess that most who've been told "You HAVE OCD," do not even consider that their patterns of obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors have anything to do with the temptations of Satan. Unfortunately, Doctors and Drug Companies play a significant role in fostering the false idea that obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors happen because of a chemical imbalance in the brain, and have little or nothing to do with a person's spiritual life. If there IS a God, and if God's word is written in the Bible, then whenever a person fails to "Walk in the Spirit" (Galatians 5:16) that person, by default, is necessarily exposed to the "wiles of the devil" (Ephesians 6:11). Here's what we can learn from the Bible about the Cause and the Cure of OCD: 1) Rest, Love, Joy, and Peace are all emotional conditions opposite to the Anxiety of OCD. Psychological Theories flow from Assumptions about the Origin of Human Life All observations are theory-ladened. There are no neutral observations; all observations and assertions are informed by underlying assumptions and theories. A theory is a coherent system of ideas that explain something. And even more foundational than theories are Ontological Assumptions: the primal assumptions that are invisible to most people as they weigh theory-ladened assertions. Ontology is the study of the meaning of being, the meaning and origin of existence. There are two fundamental ontological starting points: 2) "OCD has been linked to abnormalities with the neurotransmitter serotonin, although it could be either a cause or an effect of these abnormalities. Serotonin is thought to have a role in regulating anxiety. ... Researchers have yet to pinpoint the exact cause of OCD, but brain differences, genetic influences, and environmental factors are being studied. Brain scans of people with OCD have shown that they have different patterns of brain activity than people without OCD and that different functioning of circuitry within a certain part of the brain, the striatum, may cause the disorder." 3) "OCD sometimes runs in families, but no one knows for sure why some people have it, while others don't. Researchers have found that several parts of the brain are involved in fear and anxiety. By learning more about fear and anxiety in the brain, scientists may be able to create better treatments. Researchers are also looking for ways in which stress and environmental factors may play a role." Dr Matt's Comment: 4) "Unfortunately we still do not know the exact cause or causes of OCD. However, research suggests that differences in the brain and genes of those affected may play a role. Research suggests that OCD involves problems in communication between the front part of the brain and deeper structures. These brain structures use a chemical messenger called serotonin. Pictures of the brain at work also show that in some people, the brain circuits involved in OCD become more normal with serotonin medicines." Dr Matt's Comment: 6) "The cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder isn't fully understood. Main theories include: Dr Matt's Comment: Barking Up the WRONG Ontological Tree What some researchers assume to be a "cause" of OCD, is essentially the same assumed-cause of Depression: "insufficient serotonin." But here's the problem with that assumption -- the facts simply don't back that conclusion. With the Serotonin-Deficiency Theory of Depression being convincingly disconfirmed, it is rather suspicious that the serotonin deficiency is identified as a prominent potential "cause" of OCD. Why? Again, it is due to the Ontological Assumptions that some scientists assume. To put it strait: |
You see, when behavioral scientists begin with an Evolutionary Assumption of Big Bang Beginnings, this means that physical factors like Biology, Brains, and Serotonin Levels (NATURE ) is all that Psychology has for explaining OCD, aside from social learning theory, Environment (NURTURE). To be clear, I do appreciate and give credence to credible scientific research. Further, I do not discount that Environmental and Biological Factors constrain OCD phenomena, but "constraint" is all that Biology and Environment can ever do in terms of Obsessive-Compulsive patterns, they cannot "cause." Let me explain why. For a moment, let's begin with the Ontological Assumption of Creation, and visualize this scenario: |
A person is standing in the presence of the Creator and giving an account of the choices he or she made in mortal life, and the person says "I'm very sorry I was addicted to alcohol and pornography during my life, but it wasn't my fault: I had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder due to low serotonin levels in my brain." "The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, Some may say, but wait a minute OCD isn't about "temptations," it about having a medical disorder, a biological disease! |
Now let's return to an idea I've introduced previously: "All observations are theory-ladened. ... all observations and assertions are informed by an underlying theory, with an associated set of underlying assumptions." The underlying ontological assumption of Big Bang and Evolution is the starting point from which the "Medical Model of Mental Illness" was spawned. To repeat, if there is No God and there is No Devil, then there is no salvation or temptation either. When underlying assumptions are wrong, then conclusions based upon those erroneous assumptions will also be wrong. |
So when people behave badly, the only explanations available are: Biology and Environment, Nature and Nurture. This explains why every scientific explanation for Obsessive Compulsive behaviors boil down to Bad Parents, Bad Peers, and/or Bad Biology -- to include bad genes or insufficient serotonin to the brain. Barking Up the RIGHT Ontological Tree Now let's return to the assumption of the real existence of a Creator who is infinitely wise, perfectly powerful to save, and this God speaks! God inspires prophets to write His wisdom and will in scripture. This means persistent pattern of Obsessive thoughts and Compulsive behaviors are literally explained by the quality of one's spiritual life. If one believes the Bible, that is the conclusion that must be drawn. Let's review what the Bible teaches about "peace," which is the opposite of OCD anxiety: 1) Rest, Love, Joy, and Peace are all emotional conditions opposite to the Anxiety of OCD. For a moment, think about the 9/11 hijackers who crashed commercial jets into the twin towers; does anyone really think that these people were afflicted by a biologically-based "mental disorder" and they couldn't help themselves, they couldn't choose otherwise? Hence, they are not accountable for their actions? Whenever there is a tragedy in our country, two perspectives inevitably arise that explain the tragedy: 1) One camp will emphasize how mental health professionals need to improve abilities |
Is the person who commits horrific acts of atrocity evil or just ill? Inseparably tied to the assumption that an abuser may be ill and sickis the idea that a person is not ultimately accountable for his or her thoughts and behaviors, due to a mental illness. Whereas assumptions of evil and sin are tied to an ontological premise that each human being has a choice to refrain from acts that harm, cripple, or kill others. Certain mental-health experts steer the debate toward conclusions of "ill" and "sick," and calls for improvements in mental health diagnosis and treatment; they will sometimes imply that the "sick" person just needed the right medication, and then that person would not have committed the abuse. |
In contrast, when murderers claim "insanity," juries of ordinary citizens have listened to legal arguments explaining that a person is "insane" and therefore "not accountable." Judge Jeanine Pirro says that "juries buy insanity in 2 percent of the cases." Notice how Judge Pirro uses the word "buy." Here, the Judge is implying that the vast majority of "insanity defenses" are contrived excuses that attempt to get guilty people from accepting accountability for their choices. When counseling a couple, I remember one occasion when a client said to me, "so when are you going to quit talking about religion, and give us some psychology?" Here was my answer: "I'm not talking about religion, I'm talking about reality. You see, there is either a Creator, or there is not. And if there IS, then that Reality forms the foundation of every explanation of behavior." The reason why most researchers are narrowly focused upon finding correlations to factors of biology and brain, is because atheist-evolutionary assumptions are the default position of traditional science. If there is no Creator as atheists assume, then Biology and Environment is ALL THERE IS to talk about, and look to, for explanation of behavior. This "default" position of science, thus, excludes the broadest view of Reality (to include interactions with unseen spirit beings). To put it bluntly, scientific inquiries that are limited to Biology and Environment (Nature and Nurture) are explanation of behavior that are basically barking up the wrong tree on certain issues. Drawing inspiration, and an example, from Stephen R. Covey's book "Spiritual Roots of Human Relations," I maintain that
the primary causes of OCD are explained by spiritual roots, in two fundamental ways: 2) Spiritual Inclinations: Obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior due to who a person IS as a spirit self, to include personality inclinations that are divinely given at mortal birth. The reason why science doesn't talk about Spirit Realities, is because Spirit Phenomena is assumed to be UN-observable. It's true that Spirit Beings are invisible most of the time. But Wind is also invisible, yet the consequences of Wind are entirely empirical and observable. So it is with the Consequences of Spirit Influence of Good and Evil. The holocaust and 9/11 are both empirical evidence of Evil Winds. |
When phenomena is NOT visible, such non-empirical things are beyond the realm of scientific inquiry. However, ideas associated with the sub-conscious mind, Id, Ego, and SuperEgo, are NOT visible. No one has ever seen the so-called "sub-conscious mind." Truth is, this Freudian mind is a theoretical construct that many behavioral scientists have "faith" in; they have faith that Id, Ego, and Super Ego are real. The scientific synonym for faith is . . . Assumption. Thus scientific types assume a Real Existence for Un-Seen phenomena -- how ironic! |
Just as political science majors tend to get a liberal indoctrination, similarly, psychology majors get an atheist-based indoctrination. Atheist-based psychology sees human behavior as determined by a cause & effect environment, where "free will" is illusory -- this conclusion comes compliments of the "Behaviorism" of John B. Watson and B. F. Skinner. Matt Moody, Ph.D. Related Articles: |
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