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World Class Dancing: Jonathan Wilkins & Katusha Demidova

Dr Matt's Dance Class — Foxtrot Week Nine

Here are the notes for each week's Foxtrot Lessons:
1     2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12    pics

Hi Everyone:

Some Guys have not fully mastered Latin Motion technique. Here's a brief review of a more detailed description given in Week #4. Begin by reviewing how Jaana Kunitz teaches Latin Motion.

In Latin Motion, you lead with your Rib Cage as you place your foot on count #1 . . . afterwhich you roll your Hip over that same foot on count #2.

The description "place your foot" means that your full weight is NOT on that foot, yet. Your weight fully shifts to that foot as you roll your hips over that foot on count #2.

When you "place your foot" on count #1 . . . you do so with a Bent knee . . . which Straightens on count #2 as the Hip rolls over the placed foot.

Here's another Tip that will help you learn Latin Motion: Place the inside Edge of the Foot, and then as your Hips roll and you shift your weight to that same foot, the Flat of your foot will contact the floor.

Here are the word cues that I use when teaching Latin Motion:

       Bend (count #1) Straighten (count #2) -- what your Leg is doing
       Edge (count #1) Flat (count #2) -- what your Foot is doing
       Rib (count #1) Hip (count #2) -- what your Torso and Hips are doing

All these verbal cues apply to the placing of only ONE FOOT and the shifting of weight to that FOOT, then you must repeat these same techniques while placing the other FOOT and shifting the corresponding Ribs and Hip.

OFF CENTER Alignment and Other Techniques

Here's a fantastic example of how "off center" alignment is done; it's a Foxtrot danced to the music of "Somewhere in Time"—beautiful!

Notice how the Couple moves from Off Center to Outside Partner throughout the dance. At 1:08 they do a turning combination that is pretty spectacular. They begin with 3 fast Double Reverse Spins then end (from 1:12 to 1:20) with a fast turning step similar to Viennese Waltz Fleckerls. Wow!

Nice Right Turning Pivots at 1:08 and again at 2:48 in a different body position. You can also do Left Turning Pivots with your feet in the opposite orientation: Left Foot Forward and Right Foot Back.

At 3:09 Hazel Newberry performs a technique call "growing the arms"—which means her arm does not arrive at the final pose immediately, but slowly unfolds to the final pose like a plant slowly "grows."


Notes for Dr Matt's Ballroom Dance Class — Week Ten

Hey Dance Fans, . . . have you read my review of the
most-watched television show of the summer,

So You Think You Can Dance ?


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